Moonlight Monthly Report (October/November)

Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2018


A lot has happened in the six weeks since the last report was published. In this issue, I’ll attempt to cover as much of our progress as possible.

Here is the overview for those who want the bullets:

  • New Roadmap Released
  • Copernicus design phase exit, development begins (trusted, scoped professional identities)
  • Kepler enters planning phase (targets $200 Bn recruiting industry)
  • Constellation initiative takes shape (Holistic Identity Consortium)

Our Roadmap

Figure 1: The Moonlight Product Roadmap

Our product definition activities naturally led to the identification of multiple logical products which can stand on their own. We recently released a revised Product Roadmap to align with our research.

Below are the product specific updates:


Copernicus has been defined and is now in a Product Development state with a release in the near future. Over the past month, we’ve completed product design and architecture definition and have begun development.

As mentioned in the previous article, most of our infrastructure to support these products is already deployed so as we enter development, we are primarily adding features to existing deployments. We expect the development and verification cycle for this release to be very quick as a result since it is incremental.

The product itself will focus on two key areas:

  1. Management of professional identities
  2. Verification of professional identities

When we look at professional digital networks and hiring practices, there is a distinct disconnect. When representing yourself, its critical to focus your presentation to achieve the desired results whether that is a business contact or a job.

For example, when applying for a position, you may only include a subset of your professional experience on a resume due to the relevance of the content. This tailored experience is a critical component of networking and hiring and runs counter to the existing social network status quo which only allows a single representation of an entity. An individuals professional experience is not binary and the way its presented shouldn’t be either.

The second area Copernicus will focus on is the ability to verify these professional identities. When operating in a decentralized work environment, its critical to have a guarantee that you aren’t being misled.

As an example, I currently have 1,001 LinkedIn contacts (with 203 invitations). How many of those do you think are trustworthy, accurate identities in the crypto space?

Notably, we have been contacted by exchange scammers with official emails, twitter accounts, and LinkedIn profiles (with official contacts) on multiple occasions.

Based on our research, we believe that these two drivers working in concert will deliver a very powerful tool which can stand on its own and is critical for delivering on our follow-up offering (Kepler) which targets the 200 Billion Dollar recruiting industry. Expect a Copernicus deep-dive to quickly follow this product report.


The Kepler product is currently in Planning Phase with User Interviews and Aggregating complete. Because of the the level of definition we have for Kepler, many of our design decisions for Copernicus take specific Kepler features into consideration. This will accelerate the development cycle for this incremental release.

This product is focused on enabling the marketplace and some social aspects of the platform. More information will be provided on this product as Copernicus approaches release and the development team pivots.


There have been a number of questions about the Constellation roadmap item. We can clarify that it is an initiative that is being driven by a consortium of stakeholders in the ecosystem to deliver a decentralized, holistic identity solution which extends beyond the context of an individual’s physical identity. More information will be released in the coming months.

As always, we thank the community for their support of the project and look forward to releasing the next series of deep-dive articles.

We would also like to congratulate our Design Director, Ben Hallowes, who was the design lead on the recently released Neon Wallet 2.0.0.

