Moonlighting ICO Weekly — Dec 27, 2017

News and updates from Moonlighting

Jenny Knizner
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2017


Online Hiring Shouldn’t Be a Risky Business

Despite tech advancements in cloud-based hiring tools and resume-filtering algorithms, fraud and forgery remain a crippling force in online hiring today.

Moonlighting’s integration of blockchain technology will put the platform in a position to become the most trusted freelance marketplace in the world. Read more on how blockchain can help remove the online hiring risks that are significantly slowing down the pace of business, leading to lost revenue and lower economic growth.

The Moonlighting Crypto Wallet

In addition to the blockchain reinforcement coming to Moonlighting, our development team is already making great progress our own lightweight browser-based Ethereum wallet in which users will be able to track, send, and receive Moonbits. More info (and maybe even a few sneak peeks) to come!

We’re Live on Bitcointalk

Last week, we “officially” announced our upcoming Moonbit enhancement on Bitcointalk. We are thrilled to reach a new audience of freelancers and gig economy participants who are also jazzed about blockchain technology and democratizing the freelance economy.

Ready to join the conversation? You can find us on all your favorite social channels:

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