Roy Slater
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2017


Moonlighting — The Democratization of the Freelance Economy

Since our inception in 2014, the Moonlighting marketplace has served as a go-to resource for more than 600,000 freelancers across the United States. We have evolved our platform to offer a comprehensive toolset that helps freelancers find work, get paid, and better manage their freelance careers. Tools that include professional invoices and proposals, a peer-to-peer review system, integrated digital payments, and our most recent addition, crowdfunding.

We are excited to announce the next step in Moonlighting’s evolution — the integration of blockchain technology and introduction of our own cryptocurrency.

Moonlighting Gets Even Better with Blockchain

Blockchain is a unique technology that makes digital information transparent, available for all to see, and impervious to tampering and other cyberattacks. Blockchain’s decentralized model also makes it possible to execute smart contracts — self-executing contracts that help you exchange money, services, or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman.

The combination of blockchain transactions and smart contracts enables us to deliver more benefits to freelancers worldwide:

Trusted Profile Data & User Ownership
One of the biggest problems facing the freelance industry today is spam and fake reviews.

By integrating blockchain, Moonlighting will be able to provide a decentralized, trusted, and immutable open ledger that stores freelancer identity, profile data, and user ratings. This will make Moonlighting profiles portable, secure, and completely transparent, giving our freelancers the unique opportunity to own and control their own profile data.

Furthermore, companies will be able to rest easier knowing that reviews and profile data are accurate and authentic because they cannot be changed or hacked without the rest of the network knowing.

Introducing the Moonbit

Token Driven Rewards Program
By introducing a cryptocurrency native to Moonlighting, the Moonbit, we will create a rewards program that will show our appreciation for our user engagement and participation within Moonlighting. To start, we will reward our users for:

  1. Completed profiles with reviews and recommendations
  2. Sharing jobs and service posts on social media
  3. Sharing profile data with outside marketplaces and vendors

Once these rewards points reach a pre-determined threshold they will be converted into Moonbits.

Expanded Global Marketplace
A globalized currency will allow us to expand Moonlighting internationally. Which will mean more available jobs and more on-demand talent to fill those jobs. Look out for more announcements to come on new partnerships that will take Moonlighting to Canada, the U.K., and Latin America.

Enhanced International Payment Tools
Once Moonlighting has expanded to a global market, making payments with Moonbits will offer fast, secure, low cost, and genuinely international payments system.

Elimination of Bank and Currency Exchange Fees
More and more freelancers are starting to opt into getting paid with cryptocurrencies, and will become more commonly used in the near future. Because banks are not necessary in order to complete monetary transactions, bank fees and currency exchange fees for the Moonbit will be almost non-existent.

We are now poised to take on the next evolution of the freelance economy, improving the foundation Moonlighting has already built to make hiring and working in the freelance economy global and inclusive.

For more complete information on this new technology, please visit We also encourage you to join us on Discord and ask any questions you have.


