Moonshot Collective October, 2021 Recap

Moonshot Collective Anon
Moonshot Collective
4 min readNov 23, 2021

Moonshot Collective is the prototyping workstream for GitcoinDAO. Our mission is to experiment with new decentralized coordination tools for the DAO to use. Sometimes our projects fail, but often they lead to undiscovered territory where giant leaps are possible.

Moonshot Collective is barely four months old and we already have some amazing projects in the works.

Here’s what we concentrated on in October, 2021.

The Greatest LARP

The Greatest LARP is an ongoing, multi-level, alternative reality coordination game. Players join forces as “Anon” to compete levels, eventually leading to the final boss — Moloch, the supreme god of disorder. And at the same time, through gameplay we are raising funds for public goods.

The fee for each Hero or Moloch minted goes directly to the public goods community multi-sig. At the date of publication, approximately $330K has been raised. Public goods are good!

Each player may keep the ETHbots or Molochs they mint, and there may be some extras in store for early participants.

Here’s how it works.

Level 1: Players read the Anon Vs Moloch comic, to understand the lore.

Level 2: Players summoned 200 ETHBot heroes by minting them, in order to unlock Level 2. Level 2 has been completed. Yay coordination!

Level 3: Players must mint and capture 200 smaller Molochs to unlock Level 4. Level 3 is currently ongoing, but close to completion.

Level 4: The final boss awaits! Unlock the final boss through a soon-to-be announced crowdfund.

Wanna play? Visit


Tip.Party is a tool that allows its users to easily reward contributors or participants during an event.

Here’s how it works.

  1. The event host creates a room on Tip.Party.
  2. Then invites people to join their tip room, using a secret name.
  3. The host chooses how much they want to tip each participant
  4. The host sends one initial token transaction, and Tip.Party automatically breaks it up into individual tips for each participant.

Check out Tip.Party and watch the video on the homepage for more information. Or get started if you’re ready to party!


AKA Retroactive Public Goods Starter Kit — a mouthful! This started as a project by Vitalik Buterin and Karl Floersch to fund public goods projects after they had already launched. Their goal is to make the ecosystem for funding public goods as robust as funding for startups, by allowing investors to ape in.

Moonshot Collective through Payback.Party is supporting that by creating a starter kit for public goods teams to be able to tokenize their projects. That way they can allocate portions of it to investors, who can share in its success. Moonshot Collective will be continuing development of Payback.Party through Season 1, which ends in January.


The purpose of Recruiter.Party is to disrupt LinkedIN Recruiter. Millions of people use LinkedIN to look for jobs or just connect professionally. But LinkedIN profits greatly off of its users’ information. They sell user data to third parties, or through a subscription model to recruiters who get a finder’s fee for matching candidates with employers.

But it’s your data, and you should be able to earn from it. And that’s what Recruiter.Party will allow you to do. Post your resume, and choose which information you want to share. Recruiters and employers pay you a small fee to access it, or contact you.

Do you want to join in?

There are plenty of other projects being worked on not included in this recap. Check out the Moonshot Collective YouTube channel to see weekly dogfooding videos, or monthly demos. If you’d like to hear co-lead Kevin Owocki recap October, you can watch the video here.

If you are a builder and want to work on public goods kindly visit our website to learn more, or check out all the links to where you can find us here.

You know what?

It’s all coordination. Always has been.


