Moonshot Collective Recap for January 2022

Moonshot Collective Anon
Moonshot Collective
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

Moonshot Collective is the prototyping workstream of GitcoinDAO, focused on creating and experimenting with tools that make coordination a lot easier. Almost all problems we face as a human race stem from poor coordination. We’re hyper focused on building tools that will help us find better solutions to these coordination problems.

How far we’ve come — TLDR

In the last quarter, we shipped, which raised $500k for public goods — and Mars-shot bots, which raised $140k. We released Gitcoin Comic #3 to spread the GitcoinDAO lore. We planned Schelling Point, a one day celebration of regenerative finance. We tuned the product market fit of Tokenstream.Party, Pay.Party, and Tip.Party — and are now using them ourselves to compensate builders in the collective.

“Going forward, I’m excited to see this innovative machine spit out new prototypes that are of high value to add to the spread.” — Kevin Owocki

Every month, Moonshot Collective developers showcase all the cool tools and projects we’ve been building in a demo call. Here’s where you can see all the demos on the Moonshot Collective Youtube channel. Now, here’s a summary of what we were up to in the month of January.


Pay.Party is a tool used to allocate budget funds using democratic principles. There have been a ton of UI updates like an improved multi-address/ENS input, a new review UI, and the ability to use any ERC-20 token for distributing funds. We’ve also deployed to polygon as wella as mainnet. We’re currently working on full-gnosis compatibility.


Fund.Party is a way for public goods projects to retroactively fund its contributors. The idea is that participants in successful public goods projects in Ethereum will want to be able to financially benefit from that success. Using Fund.Party, public goods founders will be able to distribute tokens to early contributors of the project. We’re tinkering with a “one click to deploy” frontend. Ultimately, Fund.Party is a platform that allows public goods to get as equally well funded as VC startups.


Tip.Party Is a tool that lets you reward a group of contributors all at once, with a simple interface. You can use it to incentivise DAO contributors or community members who participate in calls or events. So basically, when contributors get on a call or participate in an event, they get tipped!

From our last demo, we made UI changes like the ability to import addresses manually. It has also evolved into a list collection where you can export addresses as a CSV file and paste to other reward tools like Pay.Party.

Even though Tip.Party is still an experiment in progress, we’ve had interest from other DAOs. We’re still in the process of market testing and development, but will have a live version out soon.


Tokenstream.Party allows teams to stream tokens to developers that are available for withdrawal over a span of time. When devs complete their work they can send in a progress report and withdraw from the stream right away. So far we’ve spent a good amount of cycles planning and testing the product for market fit. But we are currently using it to future-fund Moonshot Collective devs and contributors.

Schelling Point, Anon where will you be?

Zooming back out, we spent the month of January building and setting goals for Q1, 2022. Our Q2 budget request is currently live on And we’re psyched about Schelling Point, a one-day conference on February 17 in Denver Colorado during ETHDenver. We’re bringing together and celebrating the builders and funders of the Gitcoin ecosystem. We hope to see you there!

Interested in contributing to any of these awesome projects or learning about how we create all these magical tools? Visit the Moonshot Collective website, twitter, or binge watch our Youtube. Or roll up your sleeves and join us via our Telegram.

