The GreatestLARP Final Battle Begins

Moonshot Collective Anon
Moonshot Collective
4 min readDec 8, 2021

We’ve beaten 3 Levels, what’s next?

Now that we’ve summoned 200ETHBots and captured 200 Molochs, we’re definitely ready to defeat the final boss, Moloch. So far, we’ve raised a total of $400k which will go to funding public goods, through the Gitcoin Matching Pool. You can catch up on the entire story of Moloch, how the game is played, and how we’ve coordinated to move through each stage here.

What is the GreatestLARP:

There’s no doubt that the problems we experience as humans (world hunger, nuclear wars, cancer, pollution, climate change) could all be solved if we stopped waiting around for governments and institutions, and just collectively worked together to solve them.

Imagine, just imagine for a second how much can change could occur if we were all heavily invested in solving for that public good? Imagine what would happen if we coordinated to rid the world and ourselves of all the evil systems and institutions we’re currently frustrated by? What if we stopped waiting around for someone to do it for us?

The GreatestLARP is a world-wide, augmented reality, multi level coordination game.

In order to beat the game we must progress through four levels of coordination while funding public goods. Public goods are products and services that suffer from the freeloader problem. Though everybody has access to them, it’s difficult to get everyone to pay their fair share for them without using force.

What is LARPing?

LARPing or Live-action-role-playing is a common activity online for many. LARPing is the face we put on on social media. It’s the avatar we wear in the metaverse. LARPing is posting instagram photos of your life’s highlight reel. We’re already LARPing for much of our days.

The GreatestLARP is an alternate reality game (ARG), which is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform. It typically employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered through game play. In the GreatestLARP, our coordinated actions open new levels while funding public goods. There’s no winning this game without community coordination.

How is the game played?

The GreatestLARP was launched in Liscon as a brainchild of the Moonshot Collective, the prototyping Workstream of GitcoinDAO.

The GreatestLARP has 5 levels in total. It tells the story of 7 special warriors called ETHBots and their quest to coordinate to beat Moloch, the god of chaos. Things don’t go so well for the ETHBots in Level 1.

The only thing us humans have to do to beat level 1 is to read the comic. In Level 2, we pulled together to mint a total of 218 ETHBots and 5 statue ETHBots — only 200 ETHBots and 3 statue ETHBots were required to beat this level. ETHBots were then used to capture as many molochs as possible in level 3, where players were required to mint 200 digital mini Molochs and 3 statue Molochs in order to move on to Level 4.

We successfully beat Levels 2 and 3, and now we must pool our funds to beat Level 4, defeating the final Moloch boss. So far, the community has already raised approximately $400K for public goods, and if we successfully rally the community, we have the opportunity to raise hundreds of thousands more.

What happens in Level 4?

Level 4 is a 1/1 NFT crowdfund auction featuring a digital sculpture of ETHBot vs Moloch. This auction will begin on the 6th of December. To beat this level, the community will need to crowdfund 100 ETH to unlock the final Moloch to give ETHBot a chance to win.

This is how it will work:

  • The auction will be live on Zora starting Dec 6.
  • But we’ll be using PartyBid as a crowdfunding tool to participate in the auction as a community. You can find the PartyBid here.
  • Once the PartyBid hits 100 ETH crowdfunded (or the 100 ETH reserve is met on Zora), a 24 hour auction will begin.
  • Whoever has the highest bid after 24 hours (either the PartyBid or a whale on Zora) will win the NFT. The auction will extend if a bid occurs in the final 15 minutes.

If the PartyBid wins, all the participants automatically receive a percentage of ownership of the NFT, proportional to their contribution. As always, community ownership echoes the theme of coordination and creates a fun way of collaborating to fund public goods.

How do we win?

We win by crowdfunding 100 ETH to unlock Level 4’s final battle between Moloch and our ETHBot hero, enshrined as a 1:1 NFT. If we’re not successful, Moloch will remain undefeated and continue to wreak havoc on all our attempts at reaching true coordination.

All proceeds fund public goods, but not only that, crowdfund participants own a portion of the NFT based on how much they contribute.

Let’s coordinate to take down Moloch!

Want to learn more about the rad stuff Moonshot Collective is experimenting with? Check out our LinkTree here.

Public Goods are Good!


