Getting Started with Moonshot

Dean Masley
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2018

Moonshot Express is a community initiative to tackle a tremendous idea: literally sending bitcoin #ToTheMoon.

How can you help?

There’s 3 Roadblocks that we need to solve to make this happen. Read through these challenges and then write proposals to solve them (or parts of them). Throughout, you’ll be able to share and discuss ideas with others in the community.

  • Solve: Submit a proposal of a possible solution to one of the 3 Roadblocks
  • Promote: share to your social network to get more eyes on the roadblocks, to get more proposals.

Let’s get started.

The 3 Roadblocks to Moonshot

Hold up captain, it’s not that simple.

1st Roadblock: Making the Key-Pair

We need to generate a bitcoin wallet without anyone on earth knowing what the private key is. Otherwise, even if we send a wallet to the moon, someone could hack or steal the funds from earth.

Yet simultaneously, we need to publish the public key to the world, so people can send money to the treasure chest on the moon. This public key needs to be provably attached to the private key stored on the moon.

In short:

  1. People won’t donate to the address if it’s possible to hack it from earth
  2. People won’t donate to the address if they don’t know it’s actually going to the wallet on the moon.
Maybe not if we ask (the right person) nicely.

2nd Roadblock: Finding a Rocket

A bitcoin wallet is a string of numbers, meaning it can be arbitrarily small. But even assuming our keypair roadblock requires a small hardware device, that’s less than 100 grams. Thus, if we piggy-back 🐷 on top of another rocket already going to the moon, the price should not be prohibitive.

this is less than certain cryptokitties

Thus, before we start raising money, we need to know what rocket we’ll be taking to the moon. There’s quite a bit of options available, so we need all the help we can to find the best and most price effective option.

In Short:

  1. Would it be better to piggy-back on top of another rocket already going to the moon? Or should we fund our own rocket to have more control of the payload delivery?
  2. What are the options available? What’s the cheapest available so that we can feasibly raise the money through a crowdfund?
He makes a good point. How are we going to properly raise and spend the funds?

3rd Roadblock: Raising & Managing the Crowdfund

How can we raise enough money from the crowdfund to cover the costs needed to launch our beloved bitcoin #tothemoon? Unlike what most ICOs claim, there’s definitely no financial upside to investing in the moonshot crowdfund. We’re burning a bunch of money to launch a rocket to the moon.

Queue the burning money memes.

How can we motivate people to participate in the crowdfund? What sort of non-financial rewards can use to create perks for participating? The more fun and engaging this crowdfund is, the more likely we’ll raise enough funds to launch and even fund the wallet.

We must also choose: through which platform should we raise the funds? Should we create an DAICO on ethereum? Perhaps Rootstock (RSK)? Likely we’ll use whatever the first proposal gets the job done, so feel free to submit github gists or demos.

Additionally, once we get the funds, how and who will use it to pay for the execution of this entire strategy? This structure must be defined and organized before the crowdfund so people know what they are getting into and that the money will be used to pull of this great feat.

(Legally this should be no different from a kickstarter/indiegogo crowdfund, but a legal perspective is appropriate to keep in mind as well.)

In Short:

  1. What sort of perks can we provide for people to participate?
  2. What platform should we do this on? Using what smart contract?
  3. Who will spend the funds, and how? What governance tools can be implemented to improve accountability?

Already have a few ideas? Submit a proposal!

