Moonshot — Tearing Through the Stratosphere

Troy McCann
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2018
2018 was the year Moonshot tore through the stratosphere as we accelerate humanity to the Moon and beyond.

2018 was our most massive year yet. After running 4 back to back accelerator-type programs across multiple nations, engaging with over 60 participating members, and expanding our international network of international partners in preparation for an even bigger 2019, we’re well on our way to establishing Moonshot as the accelerator of humanity.

At Moonshot we’re on a mission to create an international movement, calibrating our world to prioritise the support of our most promising problem solvers to execute solutions to the most difficult and rewarding challenges we face.

We’re rapidly proving the model of our Moonshot Space Elevator, which involves a series of events, boot camps, incubators, accelerators, and investment opportunities for cultivating the greatest ideas of individuals and passionate teams, who at each stage we help access to the resources they need to make a disproportionate impact on our world.

Importantly, Moonshot is more than a single organisation or a series of programs. We are an international movement and believe that the concept of space is an inspirational symbol for humanity that enables us to shift our mindset from one of scarcity due to our entire history being limited to the confines of our infinitesimal planet. We believe we can unlock and harness the infinite opportunity presented to us, as humans constructed entirely of stardust, and of whom the universe lives through vicariously.

In a nutshell, here is Moonshot’s 2018:

  • 4 accelerator-type programs completed — Ideator 2, Hyperdrive 1, Ideator 3 and Accelerator 1
  • > 60 participants in our programs spanning Asia, Oceania and North America
  • We invested $300k AUD into 4 space-related businesses as a part of our first Stage 4 ‘Hyperdrive’ accelerator cohort
  • We partnered with the state government of Victoria, who joined us to provide funding and office space to run Stage 1, 2 and 3 of our Space Elevator in Melbourne, Australia
  • We were represented at 9 conferences around the globe, including Robotex International in Tallinn, Estonia, where our CEO gave a world-first keynote talk on the philosophy driving Moonshot
Troy McCann’s “The Humanity of Space” Keynote Speech at Robotex International 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia

2019: To Infinity and Beyond

If 2018 was the year we broke through the limits of our Pale Blue Dot, 2019 is the year we intend to reach the moon.

We’re currently in negotiations with multiple governments around the world, including many state governments within our home country of Australia. We intend to create new partnerships in many locations, to expand our teams, and the reach of our Space Elevator, so that we can truly help anyone, anywhere take their valuable ideas to the moon and beyond.

Over the next few months, we intend to raise a small $800k AUD fund to fuel 10 investment-ready space-related startups who will participate in one of two new Stage 4 ‘Hyperdrive’ accelerator programs, to be held in Australia during 2019.

At the same time we will be calling to arms our local and international partners in 10 international cities, so that we can run Stages 1–3 in each of these locations. This means that the Moonshot community will be truly cultivating the next generation of entrepreneurs who otherwise wouldn’t have access to the resources and mentorship they need to organise and get a commercially viable problem-solving space-related business off the ground.

Beyond this, as our core team has been growing in recent weeks, we intend to start raising a $50m AUD venture fund. This milestone will make the Moonshot organisation financially sustainable, while enabling us to fund essential investments at each of the investment-ready stages of our Space Elevator.

If you are an investor who would like to know more about space-related investment opportunities in Australia and around the globe, or would like to find out how you might partner with Moonshot to connect our community with your local area, we’d like to hear from you.

Thank You and a Happy New Year to all Moonshooters!

Below is an list (and I’m sure it is incomplete) of all those who have been critical in the development of Moonshot over the past year. As extensive as this list is, there are still so many more people working hard behind the scenes who share our vision.

If you’d like to join the Moonshot movement, no matter where you are in the world, please connect with us.

  • Adam Gilmour
  • Adam Cook
  • Adam Lyle
  • Adrian Stone
  • Alan Steele
  • Alice Gorman
  • Amanda Caples
  • Amir Blachman
  • Andrew Aldrin
  • Andrew Hagan
  • Anna Reeves
  • Ashley Hill
  • Atlanta Daniel
  • Bec Martin
  • Brandon Seifert
  • Bree Clare
  • Candace Johnson
  • Carley Scott
  • Carolyn Belle
  • Cherie Dawn
  • Chris Quirk
  • Deyana and Rahul from Space Tech Asia
  • Ellen Chang
  • Emre Can Deniz
  • Evie Kendall
  • Fabian Courteaux
  • Flavia Tata Nardini
  • Grant Downie
  • Greg Johnson
  • Harrison Polites
  • James Gilmour
  • Jasmina Galloway
  • Jason Held
  • Jeff Smith
  • John Tucker
  • John Irwin
  • Jon Manning
  • Jordan Green
  • Kaan Pinar
  • Lauren Crystal
  • Lisa Stojanovski
  • Marc Jurblum
  • Matt Allen
  • Mitch Manganaro
  • Nathan Gunn
  • Nick Larcombe
  • Nicola Ojerholm
  • Niki Scevak
  • Paddy Neumann
  • Paul Scully-Power
  • Richard Tonkin
  • Robert Jacobson
  • Robert Krigsman
  • Sebastien Chaoui
  • Sebastien Straube
  • Stephen Belfour
  • Steve Willis
  • Sven Fisher
  • Tara Foster
  • Tejpaul Bhatia
  • Tim Parsons
  • Tristonne Forbes
  • The Startmate team
  • The TMRO team
  • The team from ARC Engines
  • The team from Atomos Nuclear and Space
  • The team from Leo Aerospace
  • The team from Leo Aerospace
  • The team from SMD
  • The team from Swoop Aero
  • The team from Voyager Space Technologies
  • All of our friends and alum
  • All of our program participants from this year

Thank you all so much for contributing to Moonshot. I’m thrilled to work with you all again throughout 2019.

Ad astra, Moonshooters!

Accelerating Humanity



Troy McCann

I build space tech startups while investing in remarkable founders and operators alongside space pioneers from across the globe as founder of Moonshot. 🚀