Investing in Planetary Health: A Critical Imperative for a Sustainable Future

Chiara Castelli
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2024
The concept of Planetary Health, according to DALL·E

We live in an era where the impact of humans on Earth’s natural systems is unprecedented, and it is at this particular time that the need for a focused and intentional approach to investment has never been more critical.
Planetary Health, as a topic and movement, is the only way to interpret the complex interplay between human activities and the health of our planet, and Moonstone has decided to adopt this framework to invest in the pressing global challenges that we, as humans, will face in the coming decades.

An unprecedented Human Footprint

The statistics are alarming. Since 1950, the human population has surged by nearly 200%, marine fish capture has seen an increase of over 350% and fossil fuel consumption has skyrocketed by over 550%. Human activities have led to the alteration of about 60% of the world’s rivers, the elimination of nearly half of the world’s temperate and tropical forests, and the use of nearly half of freshwater accessible each year. These unprecedented changes demonstrate how urgent it is to address our environmental impact on the only habitable planet we know.

Environmental Dynamics are Changing

That massive environmental change underway is evident around the world. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased by about 24% since the 1950s, contributing to record-breaking temperatures. The year 2023 has been declared the hottest year ever recorded on earth, and the same title has been given to the oceans, which have become 30% more acidic since the industrial revolution. At the same time, worldwide, pollinators crucial to plant and crop growth are disappearing, and biodiversity loss is occurring at an alarming rate, with about 50 species going extinct every day.

Impact on Human Health

The consequences of environmental changes are not confined to the natural world; they profoundly affect human health. Climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, and other factors influence the emergence, intensity, and geographic spread of infectious diseases. Growing challenges such as increased droughts, declining pollinator populations, and extreme storms disrupt food production, contributing to malnutrition and disease. Moreover, air pollution from industrial emissions and forest-clearing fires poses risks to respiratory and cardiovascular health, while hurricanes and major storms threaten lives. The degradation of our environment also takes a toll on mental health, emphasizing the interconnectedness of planetary well-being and human health.

Technological Enthusiasm

Despite the changes and negative impacts of human activities on the planet, there is a wave of technological enthusiasm demonstrated by some remarkable human inventions. Innovations such as CRISPR gene editing, new discoveries in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, advances in nuclear fusion technology and other scientific breakthroughs have significantly improved human life. These groundbreaking discoveries show the potential of technology in addressing the most pressing global challenges and improving human well-being worldwide, offering hope for a future in which humans plays a key role in mitigating environmental damage and promoting sustainable practices.

The Collaborative Imperative

The interconnection between environmental change and human health underscores the need for joint action. Investing in Planetary Health is not just an ethical decision, but a strategic necessity that resonates far beyond financial returns and guides Moonstone in making purpose-driven investments.

Among the challenges that Moonstone will focus on, there are ecosystem transformations such as:
- Water Scarcity,
- Changing Food Systems,
- Changes in Biodiversity,
- Natural Disasters,
- Climate Change,
- Changing Land Use and Land Cover,
- Global Pollution,
- Changing Biochemical Flows.

Related health impacts are:
- Non-Communicable Disease,
- Infectious Diseases,
- Mental Health,
- Nutrition,
- and Civil Strife and Displacement.

Investing for a Resilient Future

In conclusion, the urgency of investing in Planetary Health cannot be ignored. In an age of unprecedented human impact, aligning Moonstone’s investments with sustainability and environmental impact becomes not only a choice but an imperative. By investing with purpose, we aim to help shape a resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.

