Giving millions freedom to create work that matters to them

Irina Egorova
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2017

Today most people do work that they don’t enjoy, in the jobs that might sooner or later disappear. If more people did work that matters to them, more would make an impact on the world. Instant Startup gives the freedom to create work that matters to you and connects you to others on the same mission.

Creating a successful business is like a startup jungle

There are so many obstacles, worries and uncertainty. People going through the startup jungle have a slim chance to succeed — because there are too many things to think about and worry about. How do you get through all the obstacles and succeeds with your business without running out of time, money and people? Instant Startup will guide entrepreneurs through the startup jungle to success. Without facing the uncertainty.

Instant Startup will give millions of people the freedom to take charge of their own lives. Creating more jobs and positive impacts for others.

What is special about Instant Startup?

We give users a structured way to get through all the startup obstacles and personalize the guidance — this way, every entrepreneur gets his tailor-made guide. We connect entrepreneurs with other entrepreneurs or contributors, building a team that increases the chance for success.

We start with a challenge and connect people through challenges, not through products. This results in more value created for the world by more people, connected to each other.

What are you going to do next semester?

We will build and pilot the product. We have some magic already: we have followers who either want to be customers or who want to join building Instant Startup. We also have possible collaborations in product development.

We will build the most optimal way through the startup jungle. Starting with the framework and building piece by piece on new features, continuously improving the way after every user.

What is your background?

I followed my own learning journey, guided by my purpose of making positive impact through collaborations. That made it very natural for me to find Moonwalk, where people do exactly that — collaborate to create positive impact. I had several internships and worked with projects that create positive value for other people.

I’ve tried to start my own startup. I’ve joined more experienced entrepreneurs in their projects. I saw all the obstacles that were ahead, I saw how much resistance there is in creating something new from scratch.

The reason why I wanted to create startups and become an entrepreneur is because I saw it as the best way to create positive impact.

I saw starting a business as freedom to do what I want and create something for other people, together with other people. With Instant Startup, I want to give other people freedom. Freedom to work, freedom to create and freedom to collaborate.

Why are you passionate about this project?

I’ve traveled the world and met a lot of different people. The thing that everyone has in common is the desire to do work that matters to them. And starting a business is the most optimal way today to do that. I would love more of those people to be free to live how they want to live. Not only surviving, but thriving by pursuing what matters to them, doing what they love and working in a way that suits them. And creating something for others that will affect the world.

What happens if Instant Startup doesn’t get launched?

If Instant Startup doesn’t get launched, the world will miss a big opportunity to heal the pains of so many people who try so hard to create something for themselves and for others. They are facing a lot of challenges on their way, and these challenges don’t really need to be there. If Instant Startup does not get launched, people will continue walking around in the startup jungle, creating less value and positive impact.

How did Moonwalk experience help you?

It opened my eyes to co-creating a better world with a structured method, using the power of the crowd.

What would you tell someone who haven’t started in a Moonwalk Program?

Forget what you know about the normal way to create startup and growth companies. Welcome to the new way of making real positive impact. By co-creating startups.

