How Technology Affects Child Development

Irina Egorova
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2017

Steve Jobs restricted his own children’s access to electronic devices, including iPads. Why? Because spending a lot of time in front of electronics negatively affects children: both socially and physically. Parents are concerned about their children spending all the time in front of computers. Cubiq delivers a solution that develops children in a balanced way — and doesn’t require parents to become expert pedagogues.

Technology abundance impairs brain development

Children nowadays use technology a lot. While children used to play outside with others before, they are now heavily relying on electronic devices to entertain themselves. Because of that, some of the most important human systems are understimulated: sensory system, tactile system, attachment system. Children, however, get heavy audio and video stimulation from the technological devices. This results in impaired development of basic skills, such as self-regulation, necessary for successful learning. The imbalance of stimulation impairs child brain development. [1]

Fast-paced lifestyle forces technology on parents

Joanne is a mother of two. She is working long hours, which leaves her little time with her children. When she comes home in the evening, her children are in front of a computer. They are in front of their phone all day, too. Joanne feels guilty for not spending more quality time with her children. She is unsure of their progress at school and in life. She feels like a bad mother.

She wants the best for her children, but doesn’t know what she can do.

It’s ok to trust those who know better

Nikolai has a degree in pedagogy. He knows that movement, touch, human connection, and exposure to nature are essential for normal child development. [1] Nikolai understands how children develop. He has expertise to develop the right physical tools for children’s development and learning.

Cubiq solves Joanne’s problems and relieves her guilt by using Nikolai’s expertise. So that she doesn’t need to quit her job and spend hours learning what tools would be best for her children development. With Cubiq, Joanne can be sure her children will develop and learn skills necessary for the future.

Cubiq is one of the 6 companies that reinvent education as we know it. Learn more about Cubiq and other exciting companies in the portfolio:


  1. Rowan, C. (2013, May 29). The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child. Retrieved June 02, 2017, from

