The unemployed are the solution — not the problem

Kenneth Winther
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017


And how they can solve today’s challenges

Ask not what your country can do for the unemployed. Ask what the unemployed can do for your country.

Unemployed are the solution

Unemployed are not the problem. Unemployed are the solution to the challenges now facing nations. They have free hands, minds and hearts to create new sustainable companies, jobs and value networks.

What we can do

When we point a finger to someone else, three fingers point back at ourself. Telling others what they should to do is the least effective of actions. When we see something that is worth doing, we ask ourselves: ‘’what can we do, today?’’

Forget inclusiveness — Bet on exclusiveness

Don’t expect job applicants turned down hundreds of times to fit in any time soon. Don’t offer bad jobs as a charity act. Bet on exclusiveness. Where these unemployed won’t fit in — they stick out. Where their prime contribution is the diversity they bring.

Forget today’s jobs — Make new ones

Today’s jobs are taken or diminishing. New jobs created will need to get filled. By those creating them, or others.

Forget individuals — Together we are strong

Don’t address the unemployment on an individual level. Alone is hard. Failing alone is poisoneous. Together we are strong. Together we can make our dirrerences a unified strength.

The art of rolling snowballs

Look for the approach where the least amount of resources will predictably multiply jobs, wealth and personal growth.

What we did in 2 years — You can do, too

Together with 100 people from 12 nations, we created the first real Crowd Innovation Incubator. We developed new companies, new jobs and new networks. And everyone shared ownership.

2 years in, we have 23 jobs in 4 companies growing on 3 continents backed by $1.1 million from 245 angel investors:

Marine Garden feeds Asia from Leopard Coral Grouper seafloor aquaculture with a 50 year license in the Philippines.

Majiko competes with Coca-Cola and Nestlé to democratize water delivery for 1.2 billion Africans.

Pawa builds the first individual mobile power system for 600 million Africans.

Mocean One’s suite of online data applications allow anyone to make business from the oceans.

Spring 2017 we launch 6 more companies.

Bring your passion to Moonwalk. Because tomorrow is made by you.

Kenneth Winther is the inventor of Moonwalk Innovation System and the founder of Moonwalk Crowd Innovation Incubator turning challenges into companies, jobs and shared wealth.

