Time Is A Thief Stealing Future Prosperity From Millions

Everything you thought about water shortage is wrong

Kenneth Winther
2 min readOct 17, 2016


In rural Africa, women spend 1/4th of their lives collecting water. That is 200 million hours each day of lost opportunity. No schooling. No job. No celebration of life. Just getting water for next day of survival. 24/7/365.

The 1 ‘obvious’ solution everyone is crying out for

Building a piped water supply infrastructure costs billions, also to maintain. Rural areas will not get it.

3 ways to solve the symptom

  • Make it easier to carry: Provide more comfortable or more efficient ways of transporting their water. Yet, it does not give women more time.
  • Dig more wells: Shortening the walking distance for some women. Yet, women are still doing the work, and only some free up more time.
  • Relocating families to where there is water — today. Relocating again when well dries up. You get why this won’t work.

1 way to solve the cause

Provide a direct water delivery system saving each household time to work themselves out of poverty. Creating jobs. Saving time. For business — not by aid.

This is not a plan. It happens right now.It signs 95% of all households as subscribers and provide jobs to local operators. It saves thousands of hours each day. So people can work themselves out of poverty. With Norwegian innovations in Kenya villages. Its name is Majiko. And it proves Water is Freedom.

Majiko launched in Kenya and is one of 4 Moonwalk Tomorrow companies cocreated by 60 people in one year now employing 15 entrepreneurs supported by 200 angel investors, Moonwalk and the Norwegian University of Science & Technology.

