29th Day without Food: If you’d like to help

Published in
9 min readJun 14, 2018
Photo by Mooseville99

I am on hunger strike.

It is 29 days since I have eaten.

I am on hunger strike against corruption and negligence in the Finnish Judiciary that enables retired attorneys such as Pekka Ruokonen to make the law up as they go along. To take pictures of me naked and getting dressed and assault me. To threaten to murder me with a shotgun; to keep me essentially economic prisoner whilst abusing me with rascist and sexualised comments. To expose me to asbestos.

To enable and cover for people like insurance broker Mikko Koskensyrjä (of https://www.riskconsult.fi )to impersonate safety inspectors; bully and harass to cover up the construction fraud he was involved in. To state he can test the safety of things that do not exist (ventilation, sound proofing, etc), that he has not seen, and without any equipment. Amongst other things.

I’m told I was fighting eviction? That’s impossible; I was fighting to leave.

That Pekka Ruokonen would sue for damages, when I attempted to give up the struggle, and leave his apartment and sphere of influence; when none existed. That is a form of indentured servitude; and when it comes in that Pekka Ruokonen believes he has a right to threaten my life, to my naked form and to assault me with no legal repercussions, it becomes a weird form of slavery; where I have to pay to get myself free, if even, if fully. And the Finnish State is not only enabling bigoted indentured servitude; it is endorsing it, cynically giving it the thumbs up and wishing it on and well.

The eviction case came to the conclusion that Pekka Ruokonen be awarded all unpaid rent from the time of refusing rent receipts; damages, and Salme Sandstrom’s fees to €12,085.63. Maria Flygare was awarded her pay of over or close to €3,000 even though she had been fired for malpractice, with special note to say that this was a loss to the state I had caused.

I was sent the demand for payment before the time to appeal was up. The time for appeal was the 21st of May, and 7th of June for the eviction, and countersuit respectively.

The letter of demand from the court said the window of time for payment was 02.05.2018 to 28.05.2018 — the matter was pre-decided. The payment demand was not printed and posted until the 12.05.2018.

I lodged my appeals on the 21st of May. Judge Petteri Plosila’s court refused them stating the date of appeal was the 27.04.2018.

This date does not appear on the court documents I have, so I can only assume they either changed the date or for some obscure reason hid it from me

Due to this, I began hunger strike.

Photo by Mooseville99

My heart is doing weird shit and that weird shit is often breathtakingly painful and terrifying and a little bit trippy.

It’s not a pretty process.

I am propping myself up with electrolytes (in sparkling water), vitamins, the odd beer, Difflam for the sometimes painful yeast overgrowth that beer will cause and cigarettes.

No food.

No soup.

Though well-meaning friends drop-by and try and leave things randomly around the kitchen. They end up rotting and getting thrown out; or hidden until one of the same friends has the munchies and eats them.

Control of your bowels is intermittent and rarely pleasant; sometimes caustic.

Like a bluebottle; sometimes after an electrolyte; you need to go immediately.

Other times, you have no choice.

Your eyes go sometimes.

And the shakes come and go.

When the heart pains are sudden and crippling; apparently I go sheet white for a moment.

Sleep is beginning to get a little scary as it is becoming hallucinatory and difficult to escape. And the machine feels like at any moment it will judder to a stop. And I’ll be left free floating in the void.

Photo by Mooseville99

If you would like to help

If you would like to help, clapping each article up to the max 50 and sharing often helps gain traction.

Mysteriously, accounts keep getting shadowbanned on Twitter. If you see one of the articles, liking it and sharing it helps also.

Besides that, if you have the time, here are some emails you can reach;

The court involved:

This is Judge Petteri Plosila, who told me I was lying before court when I stated Pekka Ruokonen had assaulted me.

Refused a postponement after Maria Flygare was fired for malpractice a month before court.

Gave me 60 minutes before court to translate 4 years of documents. This was a suprise 60 minutes as I was not supposed to discover I had that much time; until 60 minutes before court.

When asked about conflicts of interest, Plosila immediately ceased communication in English.

Plosila was happy for me to not understand the court proceedings and not have representation.

Plosila sent me the demand for money before the date of appeal was up. The window of time was 02.05.2018–28.05.2018 — they did not post it until the 12.05.2018 — the appeals were 21st of June and 7th of May. These were changed to the 27th of April 27.04.2018 after the fact.


CC his court secretary

title the emails Pekka Ruokonen or Alfa Moving:

Finnish Justice Chancellor: kirjaamo@okv.fi

Finnish Embassy Dublin: sanomat.dub@formin.fi

Juha Sipila, Prime Minister: juha.sipila@vnk.fi

Justice Ministry: oikeusministerio@om.fi

Pekka Timonen: permanent secretary for Minister of Justice pekka.timonen@om.fi

Antti Häkkänen: Finnish Minister for Justice: antti.hakkanen@om.fi

Finnish Bar Association: viestinta@asianajajaliitto.fi

Finnish Bar Association: info@barassociation.fi

Postal addresses if you feel the urge:

Finnish Justice Chancellor: P.O. Box 20, FI-00023 Government, Finland

Finnish Embassy Dublin: Embassy of Finland, Russell House, Stokes Place,
St. Stephen’s Green, DUBLIN 2, D02 KD93, IRELAND

Juha Sipila, Prime Minister: PO Box 23, FI-00023 Government, Finland

Finnish Justice Ministry: PO BOX 25, FI-00023 Government, Finland

Pekka Timonen: permanent secretary for Minister of Justice: PO BOX 25, FI-00023 Government, Finland

Antti Häkkänen: Finnish Minister for Justice: PO BOX 25, FI-00023 Government

Finnish Bar Association: P.O. Box 194 (Simonkatu 12 B 16) FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

Irish Contacts:

Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach, Republic of Ireland: leoconstituency@taoiseach.gov.ie

Press office for Sinn Fein, left wing Irish political party: press@sinnfein.ie

Mary Lou Macdonald, Irish politician, Sinn Fein: marylou.mcdonald@oireachtas.ie

Editor of An Phoblacht, political minded Irish newspaper: editor@anphoblacht.com

(if I am missing any you think I should add, don’t hesitate to get in touch, thank you)


Insurance broker Mikko Koskensyrjä (of https://www.riskconsult.fi ) appears to be around Twitter trying to get talk about what he has done silenced.

Insurance broker Mikko Koskensyrjä (of https://www.riskconsult.fi ) did not appear to realise Twitter would show me the Tweets he wants me to delete.

You can read about that here

You can reach Mikko to ask him about it and lying to the police, here: mikko.koskensyrja@riskconsult.fi

If you want to ask them why they endorse Mikko’s fraud and harassment and lying to the police. You can reach his employers and co-workers here:







Potential Template for email for Riskconsult.fi

To whom it may concern at Riskconsult.fi,

I have recently been made aware of my friend’s ongoing trouble with one of your employees and colleagues, Mikko Koskensyrjä.

On your website it states that Mikko Koskensyrjä primary interest is the safety and comfort of people within their homes.

As a respected Risk Consultancy; can you answer some questions for me regarding Mikko Koskensyrjä.

If Mikko Koskensyrjä is a respected insurance broker within your company; why has he involved himself with the illegal and unsafe construction of an illegal flamenco hall and venue at Asunto Oy Kristiinankatu n:o 4? If Riskconsult.fi does not endorse this behaviour, why does it continue to employ Mikko Koskensyrjä?

How can Riskconsult.fi endorse Mikko Koskensyrjä’s deliberate actions to protect and interfere with normal safety inspection and construction law in regard to the illegal flamenco hall constructed at Asunto Oy Kristiinankatu n:o 4

Does Riskconsult.fi believe that Mikko Koskensyrjä is able to test the safety of things he has not seen? If so, are all members of Riskconsult.fi able to conduct such tests?

Does Riskconsult.fi believe that Mikko Koskensyrjä is able to test the safety of things that do not exist? For example; my friend was strenuously advised a ventilation duct was safe and to simply change a filter, the ventilation unit was discovered to be a hole in a wall filled with torn t-shirts and socks. If Mikko Koskensyrjä is able to test the safety of things that do not exist; are all members of Riskconsult.fi able to conduct such tests?

Does Riskconsult.fi believe that Mikko Koskensyrjä is able to perform concise and conclusive safety tests including ventilation, and structural, and acoustic safety without any diagnostic instruments, using only his eyes and ears? If so, are all members of Riskconsult.fi able to conduct such tests?

Do all Riskconsult.fi employees judge safety matters by, as Mikko Koskensyrjä once did, by holidays they had in Mexico? If so, does Riskconsult.fi have guide paperwork on what holiday experiences compare to what safety issue? Such as: holiday in Mexico = illegally constructed flamenco hall + asbestos fraud, or holiday in Barbados = extreme fire hazard?

Do all Riskconsult.fi employees believe safety does not matter if they own an apartment in a building?

Do all Riskconsult.fi employees believe exposure to asbestos does not matter if you are either a) low income or b) foreign to Finland?

If Riskconsult.fi employees believe exposure to asbestos does not matter if you are either a) low income or b) foreign to Finland. Does Riskconsult.fi have paperwork and evidence showing that once people are a) low income or b) foreign to Finland, they are immune to asbestos?

As there exists over 25 months of documented proof, including audio proof, of Mikko Koskensyrjä not only helping to refuse, and block private sound tests, but strongly fighting to protect an illegally constructed flamenco hall and venue he knew was constructed illegally and with no safety measures. And then later admitting he knew it was not constructed properly. Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives behave in such a negligent and incompetent manner?

Mikko Koskensyrjä and other owners of Asunto Oy Kristiinankatu n:o 4, instructed Ovenia representative, Ullemaria Hall to act against Ovenia’s stated company language policy, and only communicate in Finnish. Mikko Koskensyrjä has also asked why a foreigner to Finland should be allowed to use state complaint apparatus if they cannot speak Finnish. Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives believe that immigrants to Finland should have no right to complain about safety if they do not speak Finnish?

Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives believe that making false police reports is a viable tactic for dealing with a troublesome immigrant?

Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives believe as Finnish nationals it is their right to be able to lie about and falsify documents when dealing with an immigrant?

Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives conduct campaigns of harassment and lying to cover up their crimes and incompetence?

Do all Riskconsult.fi representatives not care about risk or safety to the same degree as Mikko Koskensyrjä? Or it is only acceptable when it is off contract and to line their pockets?

eagerly awaiting answers to my questions

best regards,

I have been banned from /r/Helsinki and /r/Suomi Reddit because Finnish Reddit users do not believe that crime happens in Finland and clearly if it happens to you and you are an immigrant you are mentally ill.

If you’d like to post articles there and have the time. Or elsewhere you think applicable. It’d help

Besides that and donations for an attorney retainer.

I’m open to any suggestions.

Thank you

and thank you for reading.

Big Love


Support is really needed now.

The current law firm I had representing me had to be fired due to lying about conflict of interest and straight up lying about connection between them and Pekka Ruokonen and his wife Salme Sandstrom.

If you’d like to support legal fees, please donate.

