Blocked by the Finnish Justice Minister, members of Finnish Media and others involved.

Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

Blocked by the Finnish Justice Minister, Longplay’s Anu Silfverberg, YLE News and more coming.

Rather than reply to discussion on corruption within his judiciary and police force, Antti Hakkanen has blocked me.

Anu Silfverberg, assistant editor of blocked also.

Here’s Longplay’s mission statement in brief

YLE News blocked also

Tom Hedkrok of the fraudulent bills, case sabotage, lies and undisclosed conflicts of interest. Tom Hedkrok can now be found at Fondia Oy for all your legal requirements.

Mikko Koskensyrjä of also blocked, right before he started filing what would be three false police complaints. In case you’ve forgotten, Mikko Koskensryja’s complaint consisted of saying everything was “lies” including the photos and his own emails.

Mikko Koskensyrjä would later opt for a police mediation where he would also lie through that, stating that his police complaint had been because he had been accused of “witchcraft and the occult.”

It was a lie he committed to, and so for three or more hours, Mikko Koskensyrjä commitedly lied about his three false police complaints throughout a police mediation, before threatening his corrupt police, legal and judicial friends on me.

Because that’s the kind of guy Mikko Koskensyrjä is.

Let’s not forget Mikko Koskensyrjä, wise guy that he is, remember, he once rented a place over a nightclub in Mexico. Also tried to get talk of his tax irregularities banned from Twitter.

I’d follow up with the Helsinki district court and Helsinki Eversheds apparently filtering out my emails. But then, there’s little to show but silence, silence that is until I switch emails to write them to.

No word as to whether Pekka Ruokonen and Salme Sandstrom have blocked.

But then, I’m still digging up fragment mentions about various legally dubious and questionable things they and their associates both Finnish and Turkish have been involved in over the course of their careers. Buried as they are on Finnish forums.

I’ll be updating this as more members of the Finnish government and media block rather than address the corruption in their country, buried deep within the junta that runs their judiciary, police and politics.

New additions :

Post to a Facebook accomodation group about the construction fraud and asbestos.

Immediate ban of account

More information can be found on this article, and the rest of the articles on Mooseville.

If you’d like to show your support, please clap up the articles and share them. If you’d like to donate then a ko-fi is hugely appreciated and goes towards maintaining this fight against Finnish Junta corruption and human rights violations.

