Censorship on Twitter

Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

Twitter posts might slow down.

It seems someone or someones are barricading the account.

Barricading being when you get a few alts or friends to keep reporting posts for spam or other.

I mean, no Helsinki District Court wants people to know about them deliberately fudging appeal dates to enforce things for their friends do they?

Then we have the others.

Apparently; talking about someone harassing you; making false police complaints and being complicit to construction and insurance fraud amongst other things; is harassing a person. Which is funny, as the person threatened to sue me for complaining about said things; and also lied to the police. On the basis of Mikko Koskensyrjä lies; police mediation was forced.

In police mediation; Mikko Koskensyrjä sat and said he had been accused of witchcraft and the occult; he also very clearly stated the outcome of the case.

  • You will take Mikko Koskensyrjä: Insurance Mystic? down.
  • You will apologise.
  • You will pay damages.
  • You will pay a fine.
  • You will be punished.

Mikko Koskensyrjä works for http://www.riskconsult.fi/person/mikko-koskensyrja/ when they were contacted about Mikko Koskensyrjä’s actions, they have stated repeatedly that they only deal with risk consultancy and do not want to know about his actions outside of work.

Curious one to get tagged, very pointed, almost as if someone is trying to hide something. But then; “They accused me of witchcraft and the occult”.

Posting updates may slow down.

As someone is trying to censor me talking about what has happened to me.

