Day 35: No Food “Sure you took the cases, you sued them.”

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6 min readJul 4, 2018
All photos Mooseville99. Pipes from the building.

Day 35: No Food

Something someone asked me about all this.

“Sure you took the cases, you sued them.”

I did not.

Except for the stabbing case, which, after death threats, I was refused to be able to drop by shouting Helsinki prosecutor.

Every single case was taken against me.

I sent letters, and hired corrupt or inept lawyers, such as Tom Hedkrok, Pekka Ylikoski, Jussi Sarvikivi and Maria Flygare.

The only cases I took were counter-cases that were a natural necessity of being sued.

Due to Thita lying, Ari “disappearing”, Sana lying and Shamal stating I had stolen from him, and started it by pushing him in the belly, and getting a wild look in my eyes. Where, afraid for his life, he had punched me, and had not realized the metal pen was in his hand.

The truth?
He tried to drive it into my left eye first. Then quickly tattooed it across my face from temple to temple trying to get my eyes, and when that failed, tried to drive it into the artery of my throat. Which is when I stood up.
Standing up saved me, diffusing the energy of the throat stab, to only leave a bruise. The nurse would remark; if it had been as hard as any of the other ones, I would have died.

The police asked me about pressing charges while I was in shock. As was my right, later I would repeatedly ask to drop the case; from my lawyer; from the state. This was denied to me, and in the case of the lawyer; lied about. Because he was into extortion.

The building board threatened to sue me, not just said, but stated they were going to.

Tom Hedkrok insisted on taking the stabbing case, no win no fee. Insisted to the point of blocking my leaving his office. He got strange after he discovered the police had never investigated it, and decided the rule of law did not matter any more.

He did not even have any interest in correct medical information about his client being presented to the court. Although, he’d later see no problem using the correct medical information in an attempt to badmouth me, and state that due to my having PTSD and ADD, my complaints were worthless.

This gross invasion of privacy and breach of medical privacy law was supported by the Finnish Bar Association. The Finnish Bar Association also informed me what I could and could not find racist.

After attempting to coerce me into asking no questions about irregularities with my case that he had brought to me, or he would quit, Tom Hedkrok got himself fired. Then slapped me a near 6k bill for a no win no fee case, and a near 8k bill for the one he had sabotaged for Pekka Ruokonen or his own amusement. I had already paid close to €1,000.

The Finnish court phoned me three times and threatened me that if I left, I would be fined and I would end up charged with obstruction to justice. As I had been extensively warned about racist judges, by Legal Aid Representative, Tommi Parviainen; who told me that Helsinki Judges would find something to charge me with, because I was foreign, just for being there. That I would end up fucked.

I did not find out until a day or two before court, at around 8pm, that the trial was cancelled because the police had never investigated.

Shamal Kedan Mohammed, with his brother, went on to commit attempted manslaughter.

Tom Hedkrok joked “I hope it’s not because you’re foreign”. After having a glance at what he posted on Twitter, I’d later realise this was not a joke.

Thita later lied so extensively she would say she had never even been in the same school as me.

After the Islamic community repeatedly reached out to me to warn me about being murdered. And after some fatigue of always being on guard, carrying a hammer around, worrying about my companions.

I began trying to drop the case. I had tried before; Tom Hedkrok had refused, and lied. The prosecutor refused, shouting denial at me down the phone.

Much later a judge told me, that, it was my basic right to be able to drop a case taken in my name.

Tom Hedkrok was hired for the Pekka Ruokonen case because the retired Pekka Ruokonen began signing his name as Pekka Ruokonen attorney-at-law, and suddenly I was having to attend meetings with building representatives, and board members. I was the only one. I would later find out around eight other residents had complained. But they kept me separate.

Tom Hedkrok was asked to mediate, and retrieve my deposit. It was supposed to be a simple case of letters. Short and sweet. I did not know Tom Hedkrok was a dirty lawyer. I did not know the letters he had said he sent, had never been sent.
No letter did he ever state he had written, ever turned out to be sent. He used to demand I write my own letters for the cases he had been hired to handle. Unable to keep good record of his cases, he asked again and again for the simplest information. The cases he said he had filed. All lies. There is an audio recording where I find out for the first time that he had never responded to the building board’s threats. Nor filed the second case that he had advised me to open. Tom Hedkrok couldn’t even use the information of the illegal construction, let alone decide whether sound tests were needed.

Mikko Koskensryja then began making false police complaints, and the Helsinki police, being corrupt bigots, pursued them.

I never had an attorney for this, and fought this completely on my own.

When I gave up in 2017, and sought to settle up, and get rent receipts, I was told “This is what you get for talking back”, and denied. At the advice of the consumer affairs board I ceased rent; citing the laws Pekka Ruokonen had broken.

As Pekka Ruokonen is able to make up the law as he goes along. He responded by suing for eviction, and damages. The eviction, based on not notifying of pipe works, and the time frame given for eviction; was illegal.

The law does not apply to Pekka Ruokonen.

In response to a case of growing, and exorbitant extortion fantasy damages and costs, I was forced to file defensive counter-suit.

For most of the entire time; I was without a lawyer.

I briefly had Maria Flygare, but was forced to fire her for lies and malpractice.

I had no knowledge or capability to file suit against anyone.

At no point, was I going around suing people.
If I had, I would have filed court papers to show you.

I was forced to file police complaints; other complaint boards demanded proof of complaint, and that is different, and tends to go to mediation before it goes anywhere, and it also tends to happen when someone has threatened to murder you, taken naked photos of you, assaulted you, and doxxed your address as a foreign criminal to 170 apartments. Besides, it did not matter if I said I was being stabbed, the police would not do anything.

I hope that clears up that misconception for you.

If you’d like to help pay for legal costs against this motley collection of alleged and in my opinion, corrupt bastards. Help is needed.

