Finnish auxiliary judge Pekka Ruokonen threatened to murder me to hide his fraud and extortion

Published in
22 min readFeb 26, 2018
publicly available photos

Time frame: 23/12/2013 to current date (ongoing). Helsinki, Finland.

As clearly as it can be laid out. This is the story of how an auxiliary judge for the Helsinki circuit court threatened to execute me with a shotgun to cover up his fraud and extort money from me.

I found myself renting from a woman who said she refused to pay tax on me. This caused the welfare office to refuse my place on a Finnish language and naturalisation course that the unemployment office, TE, had accepted me on. The welfare office, KELA, said I had no proof that I lived in Finland.

When she finally relented to give me the tax document, she insisted that it only be for three months and she gave it to me on the condition if the authorities ever asked her, she would lie and say I had never paid her any of the rent.

She then evicted me around the beginning of December, giving me, until the 1st of January, which, including holidays gave me approximately 18 days to find a home.

A friend found Pekka Ruokonen’s apartment listing for me, and I went to see it on the 22nd of December.

While waiting for a friend to verify the apartment, Pekka Ruokonen began talking to me about smuggling and then about smuggling to Poland. Where, he stated, Polish women would “fuck you for a cup of dried instant coffee.” He also talked at length about the previous tenant, who he said had gone mad.

Later evidence of vandalization of all the appliances would go to prove this.

At this time, I did not know Pekka Ruokonen was an attorney or an auxiliary judge.

Pekka Ruokonen was asked by two people, in Finnish and in English whether or when pipe work was planned. He replied that that none was planned. Pekka Ruokonen was asked if any construction or renovation work was planned in the building, Pekka Ruokonen replied that no construction or renovation work was planned. He was adamant about this.

This would be shown to be a lie as building board meeting minutes would show both pipe renovations and the construction of the illegal flamenco school and venue had been planned and scheduled many months before I moved into the apartment. Also, as can be shown from the recorded audio of the meeting, other owners own accounts verify this.

Upon moving into the apartment, I would find all appliances vandalised, from the dishwasher having its seal sliced open, to the clothes washing machine being stuffed full of sand and glass to what looked like human excrement below the fridge and in the freezer.

Within approximately two months, construction work began in the basement of the building. Unlicensed, the construction work used to go far into unsocial hours. Both my then girlfriend and I, complained. The workmen were rude and refused to stop when asked, even whilst drilling close to and then past midnight on a Sunday.

Shortly after this, the illegal flamenco school and venue opened. I state illegal, because the building never had city permission for it, nor, to the best of my knowledge was it ever safety inspected by the city.

During this time, whenever complaint was made to Pekka. Pekka excused himself as just “an old man” and would go on to explain that the building manager Timo Hagner was a “crook” and a “shady person”. He would also frame the building board as lazy and incompetent. He continually said it would be resolved and he continually put it that it was not his fault and, that he was powerless.

At the same time my Finnish friends continually told me to be patient, that Pekka was an old man and that Finnish people were not corrupt.

As the illegal flamenco dancehall and venue began to get busier, the noise and vibration disturbance grew to an intolerable level and I spent much of the day time hours outside my apartment. Sitting in the courtyard or at the benches outside the house.

During this time, I would have to stop my downstairs neighbour on more than one occasion from vandalising the school. And on one of these occasions, he came to the door, to ask for a hammer so he could knock the lock off the school door.

I attempted contact with the dancehall. But they were rude and evasive and their story about the construction of the dancehall and Timo Hagner’s part in it would sometimes contradict itself. They also said they had, had similar problems in the previous residential building they had inhabited. They briefly exhibited an apparent willingness to try and resolve the matter before refusing to take calls or answer the door.

They had rules for the school on their website, which they themselves never obeyed. From smoking in the apartment courtyard, to the times when the school should be finished. Sometimes the school would go until past midnight. The school even had dancing on the 26th of December, even though they deny this.

The school christmas party went on past midnight and when attempts to complain were made, the door was slammed on my face.

Throughout this time, Pekka Ruokonen maintained he was powerless and that he was just an old man at the mercy of the Timo Hagner, who he repeatedly referred to as a crook. Pekka Ruokonen also went to great theatric lengths to explain how the management company and the owner’s board of the building would not return his phone calls.

I began asking Pekka Ruokonen for my deposit, and I began telling him I could no longer handle the disturbance in the apartment. I began stating that I wished to leave. Pekka Ruokonen ignored me and later refused.

During this period, I was attacked and repeatedly stabbed in an attempt to blind and kill me. I would late reveal this to Pekka Ruokonen, with some reluctance. He did not appear to acknowledge it, my recovery or anything pertaining to it and it did not appear to make any difference to him. Even when I used it in context of the disturbance.

During this time, there was the first “attempt” at a sound test. Timo Hagner sabotaged this and was caught going downstairs in his own words, to tell the dancers to “dance louder” The sound testing engineer finished up the test, and left citing his professional reputation.

After this, except for a rare few incidences that were also sabotaged. Where the school would mysteriously not be in practice for the exact time of the sound test. The building board would refuse all private testing. The building board did this by refusing the tests or ignoring requests to do the tests. The building board and Pekka Ruokonen would then taunt that they required proof.

During this time, I would contact the tenant’s rights board and I would be put in touch with the tenant’s rights attorney and auxiliary judge Leena Partnanen. Leena Partnanen would not state she had a conflict of interest with Pekka Ruokonen and that she was Pekka Ruokonen’s friend and Facebook contact.

Leena Partanen would, according to Pekka Ruokonen’s account, misrepresented what we had said, according to Pekka Ruokonen, saying things we had not said.

Leena Partanen would advise us to take an overly polite, near grovelling tone with Pekka Ruokonen in requesting my deposit, and now, aware of my rights as a tenant, a % of the rent returned for the fraud and uninhabitable apartment.

At this point, Pekka Ruokonen dropped the “put upon old man act” and stated that he disputed the disturbance and refused deposit and any tenants rights provisioned return until the disturbance could be proved.

(later audio will show Pekka Ruokonen stating that there was a disturbance was never in doubt. All audio was recorded with the agreement of those recorded.)

The downstairs neighbor, Danny, will move out of the downstairs apartment, forfeiting his deposit due to the noise complaint. A woman will move in. We will attempt to warn the woman, Ms. Erranto, will state “she is a dancer herself.” Ms Erranto will then register throughout the process that she hears nor feels no complaint, even though apartments two floors above her are being disturbed by the dancehall.

Erranto’s refusal to state any disturbance will be used repeatedly by the building owner’s board as reason that there is no disturbance. At this time, Erranto, an ex-employee of Hok-Elanto and editor for other Helsinki papers, will be earning below €20,000, however she will be registered to at least 3 properties elsewhere in Helsinki, including in the same building block and she will be shown to be owner of 2 businesses that appear to have no activity or no real discernible activity on the internet or social media such as twitter.

At this point, and throughout all of this, Pekka Ruokonen will never offer to come when the school is busy. He is in the apartment only twice when the school is supposed to be in order, the first is when Timo Hagner had to ask them to dance harder. The second, after Halloween, when a sound test had to be cancelled due to inactivity, but the illegal flamenco school started almost immediately after Pekka Ruokonen had hurried from the building.

During all visits to the apartment whilst I rented it from him, Pekka Ruokonen helped himself to the small cans of Koff Beer I had in the fridge. To the best of my knowledge, Pekka Ruokonen always drove home after these visits. On more than one occasion, Pekka Ruokonen mentioned drinking alcohol before, and or left and went to the nearby pub to drink more before returning to help himself to my Koff Beer before driving home.

Building owner’s board member Mikko Koskensyrja would inject himself into the process around this time. And he would begin sending condescending and taunting emails to me, even after being asked to cease. These emails ranged from taunting about compensation I was seeking, which to the best of my knowledge had never been discussed with Mikko Koskensyrja nor did it have anything to do with Mikko Koskensyrja. To telling me to close my windows when he decided I should not have my windows open. To impersonating a safety officer. To claiming that he could test the safety of things he could not see, had not seen, had not been in the presence of and did not exist.

Mikko Koskensyrja would insist the existence of things via email, sending diagrams, even when informed, they did not exist. He would deliberately misunderstand emails even when given photographic guidance. He repeatedly requested for a sound diary, which was provided with, which he kept asking for.

Mikko Koskensyrja began to give me false readings of the Finnish tenancy laws and in doing so, tell me how I could legally use the home I was renting. In person, at meeting, Mikko Koskensyrha found the suffering by the illegal dancehall and venue amusing and regularly made the same joke about it, likening it a time he lived over a disco in Mexico.

There is audio recording of this.

I can’t recall if this was the second or third time he made it or referenced it. But I know it was after he had been told the joke was offensive, by Finnish people, so, you know…real people.

More than once Mikko Koskensyrja was asked to cease and desist from contacting me.

Around this time, Mikko Koskensyrja became the president of the owner’s board. During this time, Pekka and the board would demand sound tests to prove the disturbance at the same time as blocking or ignoring them.

I began to believe Mikko Koskensyrja was not a mentally well person, and grew nervous of him, this I stated to my attorney at the time.

Around this time, Mikko Koskensyrja and the board of owners instructed the building management company to refuse to communicate with me in English. This was contrary to the building management company’s public policy. I believe this was a contributing factor to Ullamaria Hall’s departure from the management company and subsequent founding of her own company, the first contract of which was the building I reside in. I believe it to likely be a contributing factor to why she was unable to access her work email to properly reply to a discrimination complaint made against her. Stating only that her previous employers must be too busy to respond to her.

As with other consumer and discrimination complaints, Mikko Koskensyrja would inject himself into Ullamaria Hall’s reply to the discrimination complaint. He would normally do this to try and bad mouth me. Sometimes, though folding printed emails and rescanning them, he would attempt to falsify correspondence. As previously he would complain about my ability to use Finnish state apparatus to complain against him and his peers, whilst complaining about my English and more. In Ullamaria Hall’s complaint, Mikko K. would seem to focus on an article I wrote about Pekka Ruokonen. Circling parts of a printout with exclamation points that he would never fully explain. But use as example to my being a bad person. Mikko K. will repeatedly question why I am able or allowed to complain against him.

At every point I requested my deposit. Upon finding out I had rights, my request grew to include the 10–15% cited as due by the tenant’s rights law. Except in the beginning, still trying to be amicable, I told Pekka Ruokonen this could be a fair discussed amount.

Pekka Roukonen refused and ignored all these requests.

My rental contract will show Pekka Ruokonen had no right to refuse my deposit, and he had no right to refuse to meet me to discuss the settling up of my deposit. By refusing all discussing of my deposit, Pekka Ruokonen breached the contract we had signed, and he breached my human rights. I have attempted to make complaint about this, the Finnish Police refuse to investigate Pekka Ruokonen.

I made every effort to contact authorities about what Pekka Ruokonen was doing to me. All Finnish authorities ignored Pekka Ruokonen’s abuse of my human rights and they, including judges, continue to do so.

I repeat this, there is nowhere in the contract that was signed with Pekka Ruokonen that enabled him to refuse my deposit and to meet and discuss departure terms, at any stage of this. Pekka Ruokonen’s refusal stems only from his own malice and bigotry. As can be shown by the bigoted and sexually violent emails he forwarded me between him and another auxiliary judge, and the witnessed repeated racist comments about my nationality and history.

If forwarded emails from Pekka Ruokonen are held, then one of the reasons Pekka Ruokonen has privately offered to another auxiliary judge is that Pekka Ruokonen believes anyone who rents from him is a “whore to be fucked” and based the extract email thread of his jokes with fellow auxiliary judge Jan Anders Enegren, that Irish people are subhuman who should be anally raped by very large black men.

It is hard to see how these men are eligible to serve as auxiliary judges.

During this time, Pekka Ruokonen, a retired attorney, began signing his emails that he was an active attorney.

During this time Pekka Ruokonen, a retired attorney and auxiliary judge, bound by the judge’s union and bar association to observe the rule of law attempted to blackmail the building board to get the illegal flamenco school and venue shut down. I do not know whether this was theatrics or not. However, Mikko Koskensyrja’s appearance to attempt to bad mouth me with falsified documents in Pekka Ruokonen’s response to my consumer complaint can only suggest it was criminal theatrics.

Throughout this time, Pekka Ruokonen refused my deposit, or discussion of it. Even though he had no contractual right to do this. Pekka Ruokonen and his wife’s continued criminality has been, thus far, upheld and maintained by the Finnish State.

During this time, due to Pekka Ruokonen’s signing himself as an attorney and the demand we meet with members of the management company, I felt the need to engage the services of an attorney.

I would engage the services of Tom Hedkrok, of Eversheds. A number of Tom Hedkrok’s colleagues had previously been employed at a firm that Pekka Ruokonen was a named partner in. Peltonen, Ruokonen & Itanienen. When queried as to whether I should report Pekka Ruokonen’s false signing of himself as an attorney, Tom Hedkrok would strenuously inform me that he could find no record of Pekka Ruokonen as an attorney. Pekka Ruokonen is the husband of the ex-head of the Finnish Bar Association, he has written academically on law, writing, I could find at the time, with my limited Finnish. He is also an auxiliary judge and thus on a live register. Tom Hedkrok lied to me. I would not fully discover this for some time.

Tom Hedkrok’s lies have been upheld by the Finnish Bar Association and the Finnish State. Tom Hedkrok is now attempting to falsely claim fees for work Tom Hedkrok never did amounting to €14,554.92 during the course of this, Tom Hedkrok, endorsed by the Finnish Bar Association has sought to use my disabilities and my mental trauma as excuse for Tom Hedkrok’s actions and to shame and bad mouth me.

This is one of Tom Hedkrok’s invoices, this was for a case he took on no win no fee. The bill will be discussed repeatedly and even in court as gross overcharging. The Finnish Bar Association will walk Tom on everything in a move that is not at all suspicious and in no way hints at endemic corruption.

These actions have been endorsed and approved by The Finnish Bar Association and unless the Finnish justice chancellor states otherwise, The Finnish State.

Tom Hedkrok was hired to attend a meeting. Upon arrival, he was insulted to his face by Pekka Ruokonen who referred to Eversheds as “Evershitty” Tom Hedkrok ignored this insult. Tom Hedkrok is supposedly a trained and certified mediator by The Finnish Bar Association. Tom Hedkrok sat silently throughout the meeting.

Tom Hedkrok ignored Pekka Ruokonen’s racist abuse of me. Tom Hedkrok ignored Pekka Ruokonen interrupting me to mime and jeer and laugh and make Riverdance and IRA comments. IRA comments would be a regular feature of communication with Pekka Ruokonen. The Finnish Bar Association has kindly informed me that this is not racist, and I am not allowed consider it racist. As such, The Finnish State has endorsed Pekka Ruokonen’s racism and told me what I am allowed find offensive.

In Finland, I have no rights. I have no human rights, and I am a subhuman class of person.

The Finnish Bar Association and the Finnish State have endorsed this.

During this meeting, Pekka Ruokonen laughingly admitted that he and the board were blocking and sabotaging sound tests. He did this shortly before the Riverdance jeer bit. There is an audio recording of this, however, I cannot currently find it, due to packing up of the apartment.

According to my ex-bandmate, there also exists an audio recording of Pekka Ruokonen threatening to kill me. However, as it is on an old phone, it is currently missing in a box. As I have been packed and waiting to leave for some time.

With no rights being observed and the refusal of The Finnish State, to recognise my rights, I was forced into a form of economic imprisonment. And this has been endorsed, by the Finnish Bar Association and all associated contacts to Salme Sandstrom (who is his wife) and Pekka Ruokonen, both in Finland and abroad.

Whilst Tom Hedkrok was my attorney, he informed me my only options were to leave, and let Pekka Ruokonen have my deposit, regardless of contract. To sue Pekka Ruokonen or to stop paying rent and let Pekka Ruokonen sue me. Although Tom Hedkrok would strenuously deny he ever suggested such a thing.

I was ill, attempting to recover from the PTSD from the stabbing whilst being sonically tortured by the illegal flamenco school and venue, I had very few options.

My blood, on the ground, from being repeatedly stabbed.

During this time there was another scheduled sound test. Pekka Ruokonen was privy to this and asked to be there for it. Whilst Pekka Ruokonen was there, the school was not in session, to the point where the sound test was cancelled.

During this, Pekka Ruokonen walked around me in a semi-circle, miming pumping and firing a shotgun at my head, with mimed recoil, repeating “No one needs to get shot”

He did this in response to repeated requests for my deposit and tenants’ rights refund for fraudulent letting.

Pekka Ruokonen was informed of my ill health and he was informed of my economic situation and he was repeatedly requested to let me leave. Pekka Ruokonen refused this. Other Finnish people have asked me why I did not just demand my deposit back and leave. I had to tell them that Pekka Ruokonen refused it. They told me he could not do that. I had to inform them, that as Pekka Ruokonen is an auxiliary judge, he appears to think he can do whatever he likes.

There was a 3-hour building board meeting. Whereby Pekka Ruokonen suggested I get thrown out against my human rights. During this meeting, Mikko Koskensyrja and Saara Suojanen taunt me about the process.

The building board will attempt to get me to sign a false confession to a false statement of crimes by members of the Flamenco school. They will then post these false accusations to every apartment in the building block. They will state they will address this, but they will then at an owners meeting, continue with this defamation, they will also include an accusation that I vandalised the illegal flamenco school’s door with chewing gum. They will repeat this accusation, even though they are recorded stating they do not know who vandalised the door but that they just assumed it was me.

These false and defaming accusations will be sent to over 100 apartments. The board of owners will never retract them, and contrary to promises, continue repeating them, and the Finnish State, the Finnish Police and the Finnish Judiciary will endorse this bullying and aggravated defamation.

Parallel to this, the Finnish state and Helsinki police will pursue a false police complaint for defamation by Mikko Koskensyrja where he states his own reprinted emails are lies.

In police conciliation, Mikko Koskensyrja will state that I have accused him of witchcraft and the occult.

A consumer affairs complaint is made against Pekka Ruokonen. Mikko K. will inject himself into this, badly folding printed emails to rescan them in a ham — fisted effort to bad mouth me and falsely misrepresent me. The Finnish Consumer Affairs Committee will state they do not know what to do with this breach of privacy and Mikko K. injecting himself to bad mouth me, as in their entire time in operation they have never had a situation like this before.

A consumer affairs complaint and a discrimination complaint against Pekka Ruokonen will both get cancelled. They will get cancelled as both committees will state the complaints overlap with my eviction. Whether or not this makes any sense, the committees bow to whomever anonymously phoned them and cancel the complaints made against Pekka Ruokonen.

Pekka Ruokonen will begin using Salme Sandstrom’s work email and her Gmail at this stage.

Salme Sandstrom is the ex-head of The Finnish Bar Association and amongst other things on the panel to pick judges.

A police report will be finally made against Pekka Ruokonen. The police will refuse to investigate his death threats for worry of damaging his reputation. They will also tell me the Finnish Police have decided that Pekka Ruokonen’s death threat would only get a fine and that due to Pekka Ruokonen being retired the fine would not be of sufficient value to pursue the investigation. They will tell me Pekka Ruokonen threatening to shoot me or execute me repeatedly with a shotgun is a cultural misunderstanding. They will ignore the presence of a witness and tell me that there is no evidence.

The police will cite there is no evidence for the fraud case. They will ignore the evidence and they will ignore the offer of a substantial number of documents. Citing only, that there is no evidence.

At every point, all the information presented is verifiable by email and print-outs.

Pekka Ruokonen will continue to refuse to allow me to leave the apartment with my deposit.

A bar complaint will be filed against Tom Hedkrok due to his claiming Pekka Ruokonen did not professionally exist and claiming he had filed cases he did not do with work he also did not do. The Finnish Bar Association will take over a year to deliberate on the Tom Hedkrok bar complaint, stating on the phone that it is a very difficult matter. In the end the Finnish Bar Association will ignore almost all the complaints, endorse Tom Hedkrok’s illegal and discriminatory use of my confidential medical reports to state that the only thing Tom Hedkrok did wrong, was commit some spelling mistakes. They will endorse Tom Hedkrok charging for a case he took on a no win no fee basis, and they will cite no billing irregularities even though a Helsinki circuit judge has commented on Tom Hedkrok overcharging.

Over time, due to Pekka Ruokonen’s belligerence and continued fraud the request for a refund based on his criminal fraud based on Finnish Tenants Rights Laws will rise from the initial request for deposit.

Eventually living under death threats and Pekka Ruokonen’s fraud will exhaust me and I will attempt to leave the apartment, I will request whatever is owed in rent. Pekka Ruokonen will give different figures, stating nothing to rent being owed. Pekka Ruokonen will then be asked for rent receipts so that everything can be settled up and I can leave the apartment. Pekka Ruokonen will refuse this, stating this is my punishment for talking back to him by way of a Finnish proverb.

The Consumer Affairs Committee of Finland will inform me that if invoices are not provided the bill does not have to be paid. Citing tenancy laws Pekka Ruokonen is in breach of, including his death threats, Pekka Ruokonen will be told unless he provides the receipts, so matters can be fairly settled up and I can prove I rented from him and leave his tenancy, I will cease paying rent.

Pekka Ruokonen responds by suing for eviction with damages. Additionally, issuing an illegal termination of the lease without correct time frame as per Finnish Tenants Rights.

During this time, this matter, and Pekka Ruokonen and Mikko Koskensyrja and the board’s fraud and discrimination, and extortive tactics continue. My relationship with my fiancée will deteriorate. None of this matters to the auxiliary judge Pekka Ruokonen who threatened to murder me and none of this matters to the Finnish State, police, and judiciary who have continued to endorse and enable Pekka Ruokonen’s criminal behaviour.

Pekka Ruokonen will remain belligerent in the face of tenancy laws cited to him. He will maintain his negligence frees him of any obligation or wrong doing. Where Pekka Ruokonen’s defence is, because he does not open post from the building owners board, he is exempt from any wrong doing.

However, Pekka Ruokonen’s involvement and sharing of confidential information with the insurance broker Mikko Koskensyrja so that Mikko Koskensyrja could attempt to falsely represent my communication with him, by crudely scanning folded print-outs of emails shows that Pekka Ruokonen was, as recorded audio shows, as other owners are recorded as stating, was aware both constructions were coming to the building.

When I gave up on possibility of the Finnish State giving me a fair hearing or trial or any fair legal process in the matter. Underscored by the Helsinki Police’s refusal to investigate any matter pertaining to Pekka Ruokonen for fear of harming his reputation. Pekka Ruokonen who had constantly and persistently refused my requests for deposit so that I could leave his tenancy and the torture of the illegal flamenco school. I find I am threatened with corrupt debts from both Pekka Ruokonen, his associate Tom Hedkrok, and Mikko Koskensyryja.

I do not understand why Pekka Ruokonen did this.

I do not understand why the Finnish State has enabled his gross criminality.

There is no provision in the contract, which had no fixed term, for Pekka Ruokonen to refuse to discuss a termination to tenancy and withhold my deposit, essentially keeping me to a form of economic imprisonment.

Whilst all of this is recorded over numerous emails, in which Pekka Ruokonen refuses to admit there is a disturbance, there is also audio recording of Pekka Ruokonen stating that there was a disturbance from the illegal Flamenco School was not in doubt. As well as, to restate, other owners within the building, adversely affected by the illegal Flamenco School, contradicting his run of events.

Throughout the course of the illegal Flamenco School and Venue, the owners will state they have a lease with the school and they cannot break it. A city construction lawyer will tell them their excuse is not legal, whilst telling them that the school is illegally constructed.

During the course of this, it will be revealed that asbestos tests for the building are missing. Complaints about this to the Helsinki Safety Authority will be ignored.

publicly available photos

Finland likes to present itself as moral authority within Europe.

When anyone, reads over this corrupt bigoted madness, as banal and monotonous as it is. How can Finland maintain that image?

The Finnish State has enabled a corrupt old bigot to flout every law he feels like flouting, enabled as he is, by his auxiliary judge friends, his contacts, the insurance broker Mikko Koskensryja and his wife, Salme Sandstrom, the ex-head of The Finnish Bar Association. This is an auxiliary judge who has threatened to murder me. Who has refused something as simple as a deposit, so a tenant could leave, as per contract. Without discussion. Who has then tried to extort money from his tenant by suing for imaginary damages after his tenant has requested to settle up, so he can leave Pekka Ruokonen, Mikko Koskensyrja to whatever strange construction frauds the building board is involved. Who has potentially subjected his tenant to asbestos exposure. For his own amusement.

All of this, of course, being endorsed, by The Finnish State.

Please explain this to me.

And also, please explain, as Finland, the Finnish State, The Finnish Judiciary, The Finnish Police, seem all to glad to endorse and enable criminality that is in breach of my basic human rights, why I should observe any debt or legal process attached to this matter?

As clearly, it is morally and ethically bankrupt.

I do not expect any response to this from the Helsinki circuit court. Which is refusing to answer my questions and now refusing to communicate with me in a language I understand due to my asking questions.

The racism and discrimination I have faced, within Finland is so endemic, that I have found Finns are unable to even see when it is happening, and it is acceptable to simply ignore me, to ignore my human rights and to treat me like I am subhuman.

Essentially, the Finnish State has enabled a malicious and corrupt man, who is also a member of its judiciary, with his cronies, to extort, torture, defraud and threaten the life of a disabled foreign national with ADHD and PTSD.

My disability can be proved with documents from Dublin, where I was on disability benefit due to spine and other injuries stemming from a car accident.

I do not see nor understand the joy these proud Finnish men and women take in essentially kicking a cripple about. But as it is endorsed and enabled by the Finnish Police, Judiciary and State, it must be, contrary to Finland’s supposed observance of human rights and membership to the EU, a cultural misunderstanding that Finland has not yet properly communicated to the EU.

Just like Finland has not communicated its other inhumane practices, such as the internal edicts within KELA that contravene EU LAW and Human Rights

All I can do is state, I will not be a party to this mockery anymore.

And to continue to tell my story, backed up as it is with years of emails and paperwork. Again, and again. Until someone listens, and something is done about Finland’s deceitful membership and snide lip service to the EU. As essentially, none of this or that membership matters, as long as the auxiliary judge Pekka Ruokonen is allowed to indulge himself in death threats, fraud and extortion.


Just leave they say…

But then they don’t have people who have refused to allow them to leave and the threat of fraudulent debts following them around Europe, buoyed into reality by the walking away from the nonsense.

  • ***

Please not this is as simplified as possible and some bits about ventilation are omitted for simplicity.

  • ***

You can support the struggle through this bigots and his wife’s fraud and death threats and the maybe asbestos poisoning and the rest, if you like, by buying Mooseville99 a ko fi or three or more ;)

Thank you for reading.


Support is really needed now.

The current law firm I had representing me had to be fired due to lying about conflict of interest and straight up lying about connection between them and Pekka Ruokonen and his wife Salme Sandstrom.

If you’d like to support legal fees, please donate.

