Helsinki Police and The Finnish Bar Association: Pekka Ruokonen says no.

Published in
9 min readDec 12, 2017
This is likely something something completely cynical and ironic that implies the complete opposite of what it appears the Finnish Bar Association members sometimes seem to do. Like law.

Editor’s Note: This story follows on the series of dealing with the auxiliary judge landlord that threatened to shoot me after committing fraud. More information can be found in the Corruption section of Mooseville.

As Finland is a country of small monopolies, it makes sense it is also a country of loopholes.

For instance, there exists within Finnish law a loophole that a prosecutor can ignore crimes committed by a prosecutor or attorney if they are minor. Granted, what is minor is never really quite explained.

It’s a silly place really.
Apparently it’s all just a cardboard cut out of an other worse place from an old Russian sitcom

At the same time, these also assure the reader of the law that these crimes, do not need to be reported for prosecution, for prosecution to happen.

Try get your mind around that for a moment…

Another good one, the Finnish defamation laws.

First we have the plain old defamation definition - lying about someone is a crime.

Then we have… if you disparage someone… in any other manner…

That’s a fairly barn door sized loophole that is very quickly followed up with ah but it’s okay if you’re saying the things that need to be said about potentially important things.

Which is quickly galloped after by “what can be deemed acceptable”, which is decidedly and dangerously vague.

So, with that in mind…

Pekka Ruokonen has thirty years experience as an attorney. So any weird outside legal things Pekka Ruokonen is involved in, he would be damn sure aware of their implications within the sphere of the law.

Pekka Ruokonen is married or otherwise in a long term relationship with Salme Sandström.

Salme Sandström is the ex-head of the Finnish Bar Association. She has some impressive credentials.

Member of the Board of Attorneys Associations • Chairman of the Helsinki Bar Association • Finnish Bar Association, Member of the Bureau • Finnish Bar Association, Member of the Board• Member of the Board of the Lawyer , Chairman of the Board • Board Member of the Criminal Association Member of the Judicial Selection Board • Vice Chairman of the Finnish Law Society • Member of the Law Committee of the Finnish Bar Association• Chairman of the Family Law Working Group of the Finnish Bar Association • Member of the Finnish Bar Association’s family and inheritance law team (direct translation via The Google)

Salme Sandström is also quite an impressive divorce attorney, so I am told.

Here is Pekka Ruokonen using what appears to be Salme Sandström’s work email to reply to matters concerning his fraud and death threats.

I don’t know about you, but if I was a husband who had been through the mill of a divorce and I found out my wife’s attorney was allowing her husband full access to her work email. I would be pretty upset. As I am told by Salme’s cousin, also an attorney, she has retired, it might not be her work email any more, it could just be the email she has that is also the name of her law firm.

Unless she didn’t, and you know, actually wrote the emails for her husband.

The same husband who threatened to shoot me repeatedly. The same husband that committed fraud against me. The same husband that wove an interesting web of denial and what would appear to be lies around the matter and the same husband who tried to blackmail the building about their illegal flamenco school.

The same husband who, prevented me from leaving his apartment in any other state but destitution by refusing any conciliation, any discussion of deposit and how to leave, any small return based on tenants rights laws, anything regarding his fraud. In the end, when requested deposit, and the obvious discussion that comes with that, Pekka Ruokonen says “No.”

This email is in response to the request for either the tenants law 10–15% return of paid rent and a rent reduction we were advised to grovel by Leena Partanen, a tenants rights lawyer, auxiliary judge and Facebook friend of Pekka Ruokonen.

The same husband who says he is absolved of fraud by way of negligence.

You would think that the ex-head of The Finnish Bar Association would be aware of the law and not wish to be even imagined to be possibly complicit in any weird things her husband was involved. But, questions happen. You know, the way questions tend to arise from using your email to be involved.

I don’t know.

I am just this person who Pekka Ruokonen threatened to shoot. And afterwards sent gloating sexualised bigoted jokes to, amongst other things

The Finnish joke from Pekka Ruokonen is Moses coming down from the mountain to a gathered crowd of men, sadly announcing there is still 10 commandments and marriage is still one of them, but they can still fuck whores. The lawyer he is replying to responds with the racist joke, which Pekka then thought to forward on to me in the middle of this dispute. It slotted neatly in with all the IRA and Riverdance comments.

I mean, what happens when you’re foreign and you attempt to report on the Finnish Judiciary, an auxiliary judge and husband to the ex-head of the Finnish Bar Association to the police for death threats and fraud you have evidence for?

Besides Pekka Ruokonen saying “No.”

Well, first off, the death threats.

The police will open a preliminary investigation to this, the preliminary investigation will consist of the policy asking Mr. Pekka Ruokonen if he owns a gun.

Pekka Ruokonen says no.

Case closed.

This states he owns no guns.

The police will lose the witness. Literally, on paper, the witness will disappear.

They will then make some half-hearted effort to explain the man walking around you miming, pumping and firing a shotgun at your head, with recoil. Whilst saying “no one needs to get shot” as a cultural misunderstanding. Which, is definitely true, as in Shotgunford in mid-west Ireland (Take the old machete road, if you drive past the pub made of knives and rifles, you’ve gone too far), threats with cranial shotgun death are a well-known and beloved form of showing love and affection.

They will make repeated mistakes in referring to the details your report. But that does not matter, because together with the Prosecutor, they will have decided within any further movement into the preliminary investigation that Pekka Ruokonen, who used to be a named partner in high flying Peltonen, Ruokonen & Itäinen Attorneys at Law Ltd.

Would only get a fine. He would only get a fine and he does not earn enough for that fine to be worth while. I don’t know Mr. Pekka Ruokonen is certainly very cagey about revealing any bank details, but his tax returns don’t seem to say that this is true and rather paint the picture of a quite comfortable man.

They also and mainly state that any investigation into Pekka Ruokonen’s death threats would damage his reputation and for the Good of Finland, they will not be investigating this. Case, or, partial preliminary case closed.

The chief prosecutor will back this up, closing out any way of appealing a member of the judiciary making death threats. Stating also, if, in a neat indirect manner, when questioned about prejudice, that inappropriate behaviour does not exist in Finland. Or in the case. Or surrounding events. Or the evidence which does not exist. Indirectly of course.

The fraud case?

The police won’t even open this case, as it does not have enough evidence.

Not even a preliminary case.

Which is odd, as I have a lot of evidence.

Don’t worry though, Helsinki Police won’t help you. (They might, this could just be a personal thing…but remember, no inappropriate motives can be found…)

And that is the key thing to remember here.

Helsinki Police won’t help you. They won’t even investigate. (They might, this could just be a personal thing…but remember, no inappropriate motives can be found…)

Well, they will, just a little, like a bit of a preliminary. Just the tip.

And the Finnish judiciary is only out to help its own. (Unless this is a personal thing…but remember, no inappropriate motives can be found…)

The local prosecutor will back up the police partial and no preliminary investigation.

“We will not conduct a preliminary investigation” - local prosecutor

Because, obviously after so many years as practising attorneys if they forget what the legal difference between fraud, not fraud, death threats, not death threats are, then it is quite likely many members of the Finnish Bar Association need help figuring out what is good, proper and legal. If only because it is one of their maxims and responsibilities to upload the rule of law.

Unless, of course,

Pekka Ruokonen says “No.”

Coming up on Mooseville…

What do you do when a Eversheds lawyer takes on a no win no fee case then tries to coerce you into silence about lying and missing witnesses, incorrect medical reports and police malpractice and the “serious and real death threats”. Saying he will drop you as a client if you ask any questions…

Who will later surprise you with an invoice for approximately €5,899s with bills and work referenced that you have never seen before.

Whose firm will then attempt to charge you close to €600 euros for an itemised bill…

Who will later decide he is free to use a non-relevant confidential medical report he refused to get properly into court. That he is somehow still in permission of, against the wishes of his ex-client. As his excuse for everything, including not opening the cases he sought permission to open or even observe the rule of law and denying the existence of Pekka Ruokonen’s law career and being so…, you’d think it was on purpose…if such a thing was ever a reality with a lawyer. Which it’s not. No Finnish lawyer would ever do such a thing and how dare you for vaguely reading between the lines there and thinking anything other than pure thoughts. Obviously…

Find out in…

Slow dancing with Eversheds and The Finnish Bar Association

But for now, as is a growing tradition around these parts, I’ll leave you with a little bit more of Pekka Ruokonen.

Here we have Pekka Ruokonen, tell the non-Finnish person he happily signed a contract with in spoken Finnish and English language. Knowing full well the person had come to Finland to learn Finnish and that their studies had been interrupted by a stabbing.

After being repeatedly asked for matters to settle so the person could leave.

To speak Finnish or fuck off, basically.

This time it is about rent delays, rent receipts and the situation where amounts in arrears may change or not exist depending his mood.

“You live in Finland, we signed the lease in Finnish and I don’t speak English properly, even less Irish. So I will use Finnish. If you don’t know the language I recommend to learn it. And XY is a good enough translator. The payer is responsible to produce evidence/receipt of their payment. I haven’t received your payment. So send me the money or a receipt that shows you have paid.

Remember Mooseville…

Pekka Ruokonen says “No”

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