Maira Flygare & Pekka Ylikoski : - review of Justitum OY - Attorneys at Large

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5 min readMay 23, 2018


The two on the right are Marie Flygare and Pekka Ylikoski

Maria Flygare

The two on the left are Maria Flygare and Pekka Ylikoski.

Maria Flygare was hired at the behest of a friend, because they felt a woman lawyer would be more trustworthy.

Maria Flygare stated that she had no conflicts of interest.

Maria Flygare stated she did not know nor had ever met Pekka Ruokonen or Salme Sandström.

Maria Flygare neglected to mention that her firm partner, Pekka Ylikoski was Salme Sandström’s cousin and therefore Pekka Ruokonen’s cousin by marriage.

It cannot be said Maria Flygare was acting in my best interest, as until it was demanded she stop, she routinely accused me of being in the case to scam a free apartment from the Helsinki welfare authorities.

To repeat:

My attorney, Maria Flygare accused me of using the case to scam an apartment from the Helsinki welfare authorities.

My attorney, Maria Flygare when told I made electronic music, used to often retort condescendingly with air quotation marks “oh DJ then” and laugh.

Maria Flygare did not correctly prepare the case because she was lying about conflict of interest.

Maria Flygare was caught repeatedly lying to me, her client.

When a second case came up, involving an ex-band mate who had stolen medicine and had decided to file a series of fraudulent restraining orders rather than return the medicine. The first restraining order was thrown out for lack of evidence of any threat based the fact I was simply asking for return of my belongings. It would take a fraudulent attorney, Pekka Ylikoski, acting against his client, for the next case to fit. And even then, he would have to lie to his client about the contract he was signing.

Maria Flygare forced the partner in her firm, Pekka Ylikoski on me as an attorney. Even though there was a conflict of interest.

Maria Flygare ignored my repeated request and statement that I did not wish to have Pekka Ylikoski as my attorney.

Maria Flygare was fired from the case due to malpractice and lying to her client.

Judge Petteri Pilosila awarded Maria Flygare €3 628,24 for lying to her client and getting fired for malpractice. Stating these were the legal fees she was owed.

More on Judge Petteri Pilosila later

Pekka Ylikoski

This is Pekka Ylikoski

This is Pekka Ylikoski.

Apparently if an aggravated drugs offence or theft of medicine happens, as attorney Pekka Ylikoski is supposed to alert the authorities.

Pekka Ylikoski did not do this.

Pekka Ylikoski still has not done this.

Pekka Ylikoski is a liar.

When I met Pekka Ylikoski it was ostensibly because Maria Flygare was busy with a case elsewhere and could not represent me.

Pekka Ylikoski began by reviewing the case and saying it was highly unlikely that she would be granted the order.

Pekka Ylikoski did not properly review the court papers, as he would have seen she had applied previously and been refused and there was really no point in even acknowledging the case.

Pekka Ylikoski then began to tell me rather aggressively that I could not possibly have PTSD as I was not a soldier and only soldiers got PTSD.

This is funny, as later, on a break from court, Pekka Ylikoski would state the band mate had PTSD and I did not. Same bandmate represents herself in an amazing display of not having PTSD.

Pekka Ylikoski will mention he is Pekka Ruokonen’s cousin by marriage and attempt to get conspiratorial with me and say it is up to me if I tell Maria Flygare or not. I will be horrified by this. He even remark that he had been drinking with Pekka Ruokonen only recently.

Pekka Ylikoski will advise me not to submit evidence or a reply to the statement in court.

Pekka Ylikoski will advise me not to bring witnesses to court.

Pekka Ylikoski will advise his client to have nothing for court.

That does not seem normal does it?

Pekka Ylikoski will ask me to try and sexually shame my ex-bandmate in court.

Pekka Ylikoski will spend most of my court time laughing with my ex-band mate’s family rather than with his client.

Pekka Ylikoski will argue a point that he was told he was incorrect on.

Pekka Ylikoski will go into court unprepared.

Pekka Ylikoski will ask my witness statement not be used as evidence.

Pekka Ylikoski will tell me this is because it is too long.

Pekka Ylikoski will lie about what his client is signing.

I will not be fully told or made understand the document I am pressured into signing.

Pekka Ylikoski will not sort the matter of files and belongings in court after being requested and will assure his client that he will do it after court. This turns out to be another lie as he demands €500 up front as part of a “700 to 1000” fee. It is strange as he assured and promised repeatedly he would handle the matter on the day of court.

Pekka Ylikoski will blame everything on the court appointed translator. Pekka Ylikoski will state that all Helsinki court appointed translators are incompetent and do not understand how the law works or correct legal language. Pekka Ylikoski will state that they do not understand how law works or correct legal language enough to be able to translator the court proceedings to me competently.

Pekka Ylikoski will not report an aggravated drug offence to the authorities and will effectively cover one up.

One interesting point Pekka Ylikoski will bring up regarding Pekka Ruokonen is that when it is mentioned the police refused to investigate him, and that the Helsinki Police stated before any investigation that Pekka Ruokonen would only get a fine and the fine incurred would not be worth it.

Pekka Ylikoski will remark on the extreme wealth of Pekka Ruokonen and that a correct fine would be enough to build a school.

Which is funny, you’d think that Helsinki Police would be aware of Pekka Ruokonen’s wealth when they decided before any investigation what fine he would get.

Further to Pekka Ylikoski’s lies, he will demand that Salme Sandström is retired. She is not. But then, Pekka Ylikoski told so many lies, it is hard to keep up.

I will attempt every way to refuse Pekka Ylikoski as my attorney and my choice is refused or ignored or coerced or bullied otherwise.

Other Finnish people will tell me that Maria Flygare, Pekka Ruokonen should have not carried forward with work and that their conflicts of interest made the matter illegal.

This is corrupt law in Finland.

Strange situation you might think.


This is Finland.


You too can hire the brave and honest attorneys at Justitum.


