Tom Hedkrok & Eversheds: Update

Published in
6 min readJul 4, 2018
Tom Hedkrok, image found on google image search.

This article is an expanded version of the section on Tom Hedkrok & Eversheds in

Over the course of this, I discovered Tom Hedkrok was no longer working for Eversheds. Rather abruptly it would seem, as it took some time for him to update his Linkedin profile with his new job at Fondia Oy

I began emailing Eversheds to ask what this meant regarding the status of Tom Hedkrok’s fraudulent invoices.

This took over a month of emails.

About seven days ago, Eversheds, after apparently blocking one email address, finally made contact, to inform me that, “taking into account all the circumstances, they have cancelled my outstanding invoices.”

“As Tom Hedkrok is no more employed with Eversheds, I am replying to your letter. Mr Hedkrok has acted in your case with due professional care and there has been no criminal or illegal actions. However, please be informed that taking into account all circumstances, Eversheds has cancelled your outstanding invoices.”

All told, with previous payments made, and interest; the invoice was for close to €15,000, with its final amount after payment and interest, an unknown figure.

My invoices…cancelled…just like that…but, nothing wrong happened…

Tom Hedkrok took one case no win no fee at his insistence. After finding police investigation irregularities (they didn’t investigate), witnesses lying, false medical information. After bringing up all these matters, Tom Hedkrok told me, that if I asked any questions about these matters, he would quit the case. I could retain him, only if I agreed not to ask any questions about my case ever again, until it was over.

Tom Hedkrok was fired from the case.

In the second case, the Pekka Ruokonen case, Tom Hedkrok lied throughout, said he had made phonecalls, written letters, filed cases, that he had never filed. He even lied about the existence of Pekka Ruokonen. Pekka Ruokonen, who had been an employer of a number of Tom Hedkrok’s colleagues, and was husband to the ex-head of the Finnish Bar Association, had, according to Tom Hedkrok never practiced law. And more. But then, my then attorney Tom Hedkrok, refused to write letters, demanding I write my own my letters in the case.

“As Tom Hedkrok is no more employed with Eversheds, I am replying to your letter. Mr Hedkrok has acted in your case with due professional care and there has been no criminal or illegal actions. However, please be informed that taking into account all circumstances, Eversheds has cancelled your outstanding invoices.”

Afterwards the Justice Chancellor, and the Finnish Bar Association cleared Tom Hedkrok of any, and all wrong doing. Except, in the case of the Finnish Bar Association - where he made “a few spelling mistakes”.

After years.

Eversheds decide to just void the bill?

Just. Like. That.

After all that? After being exonerated by the Finnish Justice Chancellor, and the Finnish Bar Association?

Granted, while it doesn’t reflect well for either the Finnish Justice Chancellor or the Finnish Bar Association.

It is a small victory.

But what about the money already paid for Tom Hedkrok to fuck my life around?

And what about the damage Tom Hedkrok and his either complete incompetence or… has caused…?

If you lie to your client about knowledge of an attorney they have a case against and actively do nothing, and thus, hinder a case. If your firm takes a defamation case against your ex-client, will they have to prove you are completely incompetent with no knowledge of the last even fifteen to twenty years of the Finnish legal system you claim to be an attorney-at-law in? What happens when they prove you are completely incompetent? Or, that you lied to your client? Old boy’s networks are strange things and the young often do not realise when they will be abruptly thrown under the bus

All photos Mooseville99

Approximately €15,000 cancelled debt

is a bitter victory.

They cost me two lovers. Not the bad sort. Ones worth keeping. I’m not saying they were like house cats. But they were a bit like house cats. But, good ones. They wouldn’t shit in your shoes. You’d probably keep them. I’d plotted a future with one of those house cats. Meow, there is nothing.

They’ve delayed a label, and there’s two HaTF albums to release, and I don’t even have a count on the EPs. Which is okay, because they’re likely shit.

I released a book, and took it off the market. Not because it is shit Mohan.

But I am reminded of what the Three Attorneys of Christmas past told me.

“Considering the names of the people involved, it is highly unlikely you will get any sort of positive result, or even a draw.”

“If they know you’re an artist, and unwell, and have nothing why have they been going after you so hard for so long?”

“They’re going after your assets.”

“The best thing I can tell you is to own nothing”

Hedkrok was a tent pole to all of this, as I was forced to fight his fairytale fraudulent invoice.

I like to daydream, that If I ever find out he is ill, I would pay a nurse to film the light going out of his eyes. So I can watch it again and again, to find some warmth against the rent void he left me with as I fought cliché rich Finnish bigots (Pekka Ruokonen, Jan Anders Enegren) joking about fucking me like a whore, and big strong black men anally raping little weak Irish people, and having me executed by shotgun. Remembering, that Pekka Ruokonen would let himself into the apartment while I was asleep, and later took photos of me naked and getting dressed, before assaulting me.

As I fought to leave, recovering from a stabbing, to get my desposit, and as I fought not to be placed in a homeless shelter in Helsinki, as one attorney earnestly wanted to help me to do.

As a race, most Finnish people are dead to me.

I spent years trying to contact Finnish media; about all of this, about the asbestos exposure to the children.

They want nothing to do with you.

They’ll even block you for trying to contact them.

I spent years telling Finns what was happening.
They seem to think you should take it, in the ass, over the table you have been pushed. And shuffle off, dragging up your pants, apologising for not being tight enough, and the mess.

My life has changed direction.

I am going to spend the rest of it haranguing anti-corruption organisations to burn Suomi to the fucking ground. Until a Russian with a Finnish passport has me shot. As, I must not forget, Pekka Ruokonen has threatened to either execute me himself with a shotgun, or to have me shot. Remembering that the Helsinki police refused to investigate this for fear of damaging Pekka Ruokonen’s reputation.

With the amount of asbestos they seemingly exposed me to.

That’s about fifteen years.

I wish you’d tell the hospital, and get that tumor biopsied.
So we could, at least, know.

There’s no joy anymore.

There’s only this, and these people.

They seemingly hired a woman to block soundtests, and later run a machine into the floor of my apartment.

The vibration took my ears and calm mind.

They took music from me.

And then they took the veneer of some of my closest friends.
Because even now, some of them still sit, and demand it was all in my head.

I could not even make new ones, because the cops were so dirty, even though I do not, just sitting with someone smoking a joint was too stressful. The cops used memes to insult me in their replies to my complaints.

They took music from me.

I mostly sat in silence.

They took music from me.

I mostly sat in silence.

That’s why starvation was so easy.

If you’d like to help against legal costs, all donations are immensely appreciated. Big love.

