Tom Hedkrok - Senior Associate — Eversheds Sutherland [update: now Fondia]

Published in
6 min readMay 20, 2018


This is Tom Hedkrok
This is a smalled clearer photo of Tom Hedkrok

This is Tom Hedkrok.

Tom Hedkrok is an attorney, he is also involved in floorball and martial arts and on some Finnish Olympic Committee.

Tom Hedkrok took two cases with me.

Case One: Shamal Kedan Mohammed

Tom Hedkrok took this as a no win no fee case.

Tom Hedkrok hassled me into letting him take the case. When I said his fees were too much, Tom Hedkrok blocked my exit and said he would take the case No Win No Fee.

When the first court case was cancelled due to police irregularities. The irregularities being that they never investigated the case.

Investigating the case may have led to Shamal Kedan Mohammed being stopped before he and his brought went on to commit attempted manslaughter on someone near the Malmi district.

That case is sealed. I am told cases are normally only sealed in the matter of a woman or a child.

Tom Hedkrok refused to address the matter of lying witnesses. I say lying because witnesses changed their testimony and or were said to have “disappeared”.

Tom Hedkrok refused to address the matter that there was evidence of a witness who said she did not know me lying.

Tom Hedkrok refused to address the matter that members of the Islamic community in Helsinki had repeatedly reached out to me to warn me about Shamal Kedan Mohammed being an “animal” who had “knifed people before” and that, “it will not go away until you are dead” and “they will knife you in a crowd” and “down town is off limits” and “stay away from central station” and “they will knife you the back, in a crowd.”

With regard to the failure of the police to investigate it, Tom Hedkrok will remark “I hope it’s not because you’re foreign”. It will only be later that this is revealed to be a racist joke.

The Helsinki Police and Tom Hedkrok will not tell me it is my legal right to drop the case. The reason for this is never answered. A Helsinki Prosecutor will shout at me down the phone denying my legal right to drop the case based on fear for my life.

Tom Hedkrok refused to submit correct medical evidence.

Though later, in a reply to a complaint to the Finnish Bar Association. Tom Hedkrok will use the medical information he refused to submit to court. He will essentially doxx my private and confidential medical information with two sentences.

Roughly translated,

“The attached is confidential. Please see the attached as evidence against my client”

Tom Hedkrok will attempt to say that because I have PTSD, my opinion is worthless and should be stricken from the record.

Tom Hedkrok will attempt to coerce me in the case, telling me if I ask him any more questions, about my case, about the things he has brought up, like police irregularities, about the medical information he is refusing to submit to the court. That he will quit the case.

Throughout the process, Tom Hedkrok will keep having to ask for the same information he was given. Tom Hedkrok is not keeping good record.

Tom Hedkrok will get fired shortly after his attempt to coerce silence.

The case is no win, no fee.

Tom Hedkrok will later send a bill for the No Win No Fee case.

No invoices were previously, no record of any billing. It will have 5 days to pay it.

Case Two: Pekka Ruokonen

Tom Hedkrok will take this case on, citing no conflict of interest. Though not mentioning many of his colleagues used to be employed by Pekka Ruokonen.

When the retired Pekka Ruokonen begins signing his emails as an attorney and attempting to blackmail people.

Tom Hedkrok will attempt to tell me not to report him to the Finnish Bar Association.

Tom Hedkrok will tell me, Pekka Ruokonen does not exist as an attorney, that he doubts he ever was one and that he cannot find him in the register of the Finnish Bar Association.

Besides being a named partner in a number of large and very wealth law firms, Pekka Ruokonen is the husband of Salme Sandström.

Here are some of Salme Sandström’s credentials

Member of the Board of Attorneys Associations • Chairman of the Helsinki Bar Association • Finnish Bar Association, Member of the Bureau • Finnish Bar Association, Member of the Board• Member of the Board of the Lawyer , Chairman of the Board • Board Member of the Criminal Association Member of the Judicial Selection Board • Vice Chairman of the Finnish Law Society • Member of the Law Committee of the Finnish Bar Association• Chairman of the Family Law Working Group of the Finnish Bar Association • Member of the Finnish Bar Association’s family and inheritance law team (direct translation via The Google)

A simple search on my side shows Pekka Ruokonen on the Finnish Bar Association site, it will also show that he has written on the subject of law. It is mostly doublespeak pieces about preventing poor people from having access to law. Pekka Ruokonen is a fascist.

Tom Hedkrok will not keep good record of the case, continue to have to ask for information and largely hinder it.

Tom Hedkrok will not read correspondence.

Tom Hedkrok will lie to his client.

Tom Hedkrok will ignore breaches of law, both construction and tenancy and tax fraud and do nothing with the case.

Tom Hedkrok will attempt to say he has read the emails, but keep asking for the information in them.

Tom Hedkrok lies to his client.

Tom Hedkrok will then request a bill for

For lying to his client.

For sabotaging a case.

For not stating conflict of interest.

For doing nothing.

For ignoring the rule of law.

For trying to say another attorney does not exist!

Tom Hedkrok is a liar.

Tom Hedkrok should not be an attorney.

Tom Hedkrok is either completely incompetent or corrupt.

Possibly both.

You too, can hire Tom Hedkrok here


Apologies. Mooseville strives to give you the most current and up to date information. It would seem this information is no longer correct.

As of

Mooseville apologises to people seeking to hire Attorney and International Crime Fighter and Eversheds Senior Associate, Tom Hedkrok. Sadly, we currently do not have his updated place of employment.

When we find it. We’ll be sure to let you know.


Tom Hedkrok is now working for Fondia Oyj and can be hired there!

You too can have Tom Hedkrok representing you, if you go to Fondia Oyj

