What matters the most for conversion on your landing page design?

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2 min readMay 24, 2018

As we’ve already stated, AMP technology found its way into landing pages; as of today and clearly enough, anyone involved in ads and marketing campaigns knows that a fast loading landing page is key for lead conversion.

Success is where technology meets design

This last statement is based on the crude reality that everyone’s got less time (and patience) to read or consume content in its mobile phone; that is why pages have to load really fast… even faster if we’re talking about landing pages, in which users will potentially abandon if it takes 3 or more seconds for the content to load.

Today, a great AdWords campaign needs to be complemented with a fast loading landing page to maximize potential conversions; and that’s where AMP landing pages enter the scenario.

Once they’ve got the AMP technology between the development principles, landing page designers know that a good and intuitive design is needed for conversion. The question is — what’s understood as “good and intuitive design”?

The key components

We can start by defining this criterion with call to actions or “CTAs”. Recent researches published on sites such as MarketingProfs state that landing pages that contain a single CTA accomplish higher conversion rates than those with more than one CTA.

In fact, regarding the report’s data, landing pages with a single CTA have a higher average conversion rate (13.5%) than pages with two or three CTAs (11.9% and 10.5%, respectively).

Another key component is the social proof, depicted as images and photos of customers, testimonials and social media posts. All these build trust and are more likely to earn conversions.

Of course, you have to be careful with oversized images (1MB+); these ones have a lower average conversion rate than pages without oversized images.

Last but not least, copywriting matters. The route is simple: keep it as simple as possible; landing pages that contain fewer (but well developed) words and phrases will generally have a higher average landing rate than pages with more words.

Last recommendation

Are you guiding your design by these basic principles? Just imagine the possibilities when you meet a good design with AMP technology on your landing pages. If you got any doubts or thoughts, just stick around and contact our peers at Moõse and the VIKO Group.




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