Why AMP landing pages matter for lead generation improvement

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2 min readMar 9, 2018

We are safe to assume that AMP technology is slowly but deeply penetrating into brands and media companies’ interests.

It was in 2017 when Google finally launched the AMP Project, later promoting it and bringing along the whole industry this year through the AMP Conference 2018, held in Amsterdam.

The AMP principles and its expansion through landing pages

AMP basically depicted as open source framework that enables practically anyone to develop fast-loading web pages, specifically for mobile devices.

For content based companies and major publishers (such as The Washington Post or NYT), AMP is the logic continuation (or complement) to the Instant Articles initiative from Facebook, which allowed users to view and consume content in a pretty smooth and clean way, without exiting the social media platform itself.

One of the main values of the AMP technology is its expansion into landing pages; clearly, anyone involved in ads and marketing campaigns knows that a fast loading landing page is key for lead conversion.

This last statement is based on the crude reality that everyone’s got less time (and patience) to read or consume content in its mobile phone; that is why pages have to load really fast… even faster if we’re talking about landing pages, in which users will potentially abandon if it takes 3 or more seconds for the content to load.

Today, a great AdWords campaign needs to be completented with a fast loading landing page to maximize potential conversions; and that’s where AMP landing pages enter the scenario.

Accelerated landing pages mean better leads

With the objective to load pages within less than a second (the average time a user will wait for a page to load) the AMP technology pre-fetches the landing page with the Google ad itself, eliminating the lag between the click and the site’s load.

As much as this is quite attractive, the real value within the employment of AMP landing pages resides in other 3 key factors:

  • CPC reduction: Google Ads connected to AMP-enabled landing pages are sure to rank better thanks to their quality score; that means lower cost per click and a smarter consumption of the ad’s budget.
  • Google Ranking improvement: As page speed load itself is a key factor for Google ranking, it is suggested that your website organic ranking will improve.
  • UX is way better: Last but not least, faster loads mean less bounces and better reputation overall, drastically improving the user’s experience.

Honestly, as of today the usage of AMP landing pages is scarce, but in Moõse and the VIKO Group we are seeking to promote them not just for business purposes, but for a better Internet experience itself.

Last thoughts: Give yourself (and your budget) a second thought and start driving more sales way faster with AMP enhanced landing pages.




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