Moral Harassment Healing Series: Admitting That Evil People Exist

Healing from moral harassment (aka emotional abuse) might be a long journey. Setting free from your trauma means years of effort, so start early. I would say that starting is 50% of your future victory. If you put up with that feeling saying that you can do nothing about it, you endanger yourself. Physically, too. Unhealed trauma will result in more and more exhaustion leading to chronic diseases and mental disorders. You surely don’t want all this to happen.

At first, you’re trying to reclaim your power lying down on the floor, it’s hard… Photo source: Unsplash

Disclamer. This series is written by a moral harassment survivor, not a psychologist.

The start is hard. Strengths are socially acceptable, and weaknesses are not. You run into many of your weaknesses. You have to admit that evil people exist. You have to realize the fact that they victimized you and exploited your brains, your body, or both. The care or even love you seem to have found in the abuser were all fake. The only love was the love for Big Brother (the abuser!) they have grown in you to keep you controlled and obedient.

Predators dare to fake true love or friendship for gain, this is why it hurts so bad. Photo source: Unsplash

Why did you get hooked? Before meeting the predator, you used to be one of those bright souls that don’t expect betrayal from a friend. In fact, you used to be not capable of such betrayals, frauds, lies, unlike the predator you met. Unfortunately, good people think that others are similar to them. What happens after the sad discovery that the greedy aggressor considers themselves entitled to all the best in this world, at all costs, morals and law aside?..

This is what a survivor looks like when the truth is unveiled… Offer them help! Photo source: Unsplash

Well, you start feeling terribly wronged by what has happened. You get the lies. You discover the truth behind them. You find all the missing details of the puzzle, and the entire picture looks like hell. You lose your trust in humanity. You spot abusers and evil everywhere (sometimes being overly suspicious). You don’t consider this world a safe place anymore. Defensive and vulnerable at the same time, you realize the depth of your trauma, and it hurts.

You might feel terribly weak, however, you need to find a dagger or a sword inside you. Photo source: Unsplash

Facing such a reality is stressful. In many cases, an empathic personality doesn’t want to put up with the truth, postponing this Big Bang as much as possible and not accepting the predator for who they are for long years. This “no, it can’t be so” feeling is dangerous. Your desire to believe in people’s bright side will be used against you. The predator will traumatize you and then pretend to be a good person again, with this treatment coming in circles until it’s too late.

The abuser wants you to remain blind for years and feed them with your energy. Photo source: Unsplash

“Too late” may mean many things. To cope with exploitation & unacceptable, inhuman attitudes that all predators enjoy, people start drinking too much alcohol or relax using weed or even taking in drugs. Having addicted to high adrenaline due to the predator’s countless attacks, people get involved in dangerous hobbies like bungee jumping. The feeling of being consumed and wasted coming from subconsciousness destroys their health and psyche. I knew a number of people who developed cancer while being exposed to a predator, not even mentioning depression, sudden fainting and the existing chronic diseases getting worse with time.

To become a survivor, you have to admit that you got victimized and abused by an evil person. It’s tough. It’s stressful, even painful. However, if you don’t do it, your life will be broken. The choice is between the predator and yourself. Save your life. Admit this & run away.

When you get out of the virtual prison the predator has built around you, meet your fellow survivors! Photo source: Unsplash

