World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day: Why Is It Important?

June 1st is recognized as World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day, and we as survivors of this traumatic experience need to remind people around us that we all should work on abuse prevention. When a survivor shares their story, more people start to realize that rumors about evil narcissists smashing people are not myths. It’s happening near us and it’s scary.

The purple ribbon is the symbol of WNAAD.

Why? What if you are targeted by a professional manipulator seeking to victimize you and rob you of your property, circle of friends, reputation, and your trust in people? What if someone dreams of seeing you destroyed and put into a mental facility? What if someone doesn’t mind gaslighting you till you take your life in despair pretending it’s you, not them?

Share one of these images to drive awareness about WNAAD and use the official hashtag.

As someone who has had the worst of it all, I insist on reducing tolerance to narcissistic abuse, be it an emotional crime / moral harassment, financial control or mind games, NLP, hypnosis, or other brainwashing tricks. We should speak up and tell others that the danger is real. It took me years to find the explanation for everything, but now I know for sure that I was abused by a malignant narcissist at work, and it had a very negative impact on my health condition, both mental & physical. I wish I have never been in this virtual concentration camp. I am happy that I have escaped though.

Narcissists are evil because they sell us our dreams to get us hooked and exploit our talents…

I stay strong, I have blocked this abusive person everywhere and will not communicate with them again, however, it was extremely hard for me to find the info I needed for healing. Let’s make it easier for other survivors by speaking up, being active in the support groups, explaining the “not okay” things to our friends. Let’s prevent such damage where possible making this knowledge common and educating people about being mindful while trusting others and setting stronger boundaries to avoid exploitation. (Narcissists are great at that…)

Let me share the information about what I do to drive awareness about narcissistic abuse. Probably it will sound inspiring enough for you to start your own projects…

I blog here (sorry for not getting back to this blog for a while — I had to write a very similar series of social media posts in Russian for other targets of narcissists…). I do a lot of activism in support groups. I also write something for my Russian-speaking subscribers.

Empowerment Summit available at is really inspiring this year with Lundy Bancroft speaking!

I am working on my novel entitled “To catch a scorpion” based on my personal experience of interaction with narcissists. My friend from LA, a film director and my fellow survivor, inspired me to work on a movie covering narcissistic abuse at work, which I think this world needs more than romanticizing the charming but inhuman bastards like Ted Bundy.

Next fall we’ll start the series of concerts under the “Authors against violence” flag with my friends from the poetry world. At my very recent EDMR therapy session, I got a metaphor saying that my film is my way to hug the planet. Same for other creative works…

We can do a lot while staying kind. Let’s make this world a more ethical and safer place together!

That’s me, Stacy, I have survived narcissistic abuse and look great despite everything ;)

