C++ — Basic of function overload

More Deeper C++ Programming Language
2 min read1 day ago

What is function overload

Function overload refers to overwriting without any commonality other than the name of the function

This concept can be confused with function override, which refers to the derivation class redefining the virtual function of the underlying class

Overload Resolution

If it turns out to be one of the overloaded functions when the function is called, the following procedure must be used to determine which of all overload functions is most appropriate: This is called overload resolution

  • An exact match was found.
  • A trivial conversion was performed.
  • An integral promotion was performed.
  • A standard conversion to the desired argument type exists.
  • A user-defined conversion (either a conversion operator or a constructor) to the desired argument type exists.
  • Arguments represented by an ellipsis were found.

If more than one match is found at the highest level where the match is found, the call is judged to be ambiguous and is not compiled

If you would like to learn more about trivial conversion and integral promotion, please refer to the following link:

A brief description of each of the trivial conversion and integral promotion is as follows:

trivial conversion — with array name as pointer, function name as pointer to function, and T as constT

integral promotion — from bol to int, char to int, short to int, signed integer to unsigned integer

Overload and Return Type

The return type of the function is not considered in the overload resolution

Overload and Valid Scope

Overload occurs between members of the overload set

This means that a function of a single effective range, i.e., a function declared in a non-namespace effective range, is not overloaded

void f(int)
std::cout << "f(int)" << std::endl;
namespace Sample
void f(double)
std::cout << "f(double)" << std::endl;
void Test()
f(1); // calls f(double)

In other words, the concept of function overload does not apply in the case of the above example

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More Deeper C++ Programming Language

As a game developer with Unity and C# as the main players, I've been working on a number of game development projects and side projects