I’m Planning Something a Little Crazy… and It Just Might Work

This one’s about me — and a cooky plan I’m cooking up

Hudson Rennie
About Hudson


Me (Hudson) on an extended walk through the hills of Hornby Island, BC, Canada.
Image by the author (me).

I rarely write stories about myself.

But, I felt this one was important — mainly for accountability.

I love walking.

It’s like creative steroids for me.

Every time I get outside for a walk/hike I’m flooded with new ideas. I gain new perspectives, goals, and return home feeling like a new person.

In fact, 90% of my writing content comes from daily walks/hikes.

If it weren’t for walking, my writing would look very different — and I’d enjoy it far less.

So, I have this kind of wild idea.

Where I live (in Vancouver, Canada), we only get about 90–120 days of sun per year. So, in the summer, I try to get outside as much as possible.

Lately, I’ve been noticing I don’t need to sit at my computer to do a lot of my work. I can write, edit, and format stories all from my phone.

Developing ideas is the hard part — writing them down is easy.



Hudson Rennie
About Hudson

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hudsonrenniewrites