Three Times In History Humans Challenged Coffee — And Lost

Coffee is undefeated on its quest for world domination

Hudson Rennie
Modern Mindfulness


Two goats, presumably on a goat farm.
Photo by Das Sasha on Unsplash

Coffee sits amongst an elite group of untouchable topics.

I once made the mistake of suggesting that coffee dehydrates you. I was immediately chastised for it.

“That’s a myth, it’s full of water… argh!”

This was not the first time, nor will it be the last, that coffee’s loyal supporters fought back against coffee slander. Throughout history, powerful figureheads from around the world have all tried to defeat the almighty beverage.

Every time, coffee prevailed.

Suffice it to say, coffee holds a special place in our hearts, veins, and morning routines. With a cult-like following, coffee may just be the most powerful and unlikely hero of its time.

From humble beginnings to widespread fame, coffee began its quest for world domination on a small Ethiopian goat farm in 850 AD.

Coffee — the original magic beans

Before Jack and the beanstalk, there was the Kaldi and the coffee plant.

As the story goes, the coffee plant was discovered by a goat farmer named Kaldi, in the small village of Kaffa. One day, Kaldi…



Hudson Rennie
Modern Mindfulness

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