Facebook Zombies

A Short Story About My Short-lived Meme Experiment

Sarah Cooper


In December 2016, after the gut punch of the election, the ensuing despair, the fleeting moment of hope in our electors, and finally after the rage that this nightmare was now reality, I decided to do something. Something small, but something I thought might make a difference.

It’s no secret that viral memes created by our asshole in the white house and his political party and the Russians helped win him this election. Yes, memes. Internet memes. Whacky photoshop pictures, you see? The fun slap-em-ups to make you laugh and guffaw were used to spread misinformation and disinformation, far and wide, inflame culture wars, make African-Americans stay home, and ultimately elect the most powerful person to the most powerful office on the planet.

Side note: Political meme wars are still insane to me. We are electing leaders not fucking mascots. And you wonder why we elected a mascot.

So I thought, hey, I know Photoshop, I can do memes. I figured maybe if I could make some memes that were factually correct and target the MAGA hats the same way trump and the Russians did, maybe I could knock some sense into them.

So I created a Facebook page called Fact Check Memes. At first glance it seemed very pro-trump. There was a pro-trump Christmas header, and the description was all about how much the page supported trump. But the memes were all anti-trump. Well, not specifically anti-trump, just true. Which, I…

