Someone else may be using your e-mail address on Discord

And they’ll still insist it is you

Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems
3 min readApr 1, 2021


Well, well — this is probably old news but I’m in shock. Not Discord! How can they let this happen? I felt secretly betrayed. I heard good things about them, but how can they let users get away with unverified e-mail addresses?

So for context — I’m one of those who got their e-mail accounts very early and so I was able to choose a username that’s really short and common from a giant free e-mail provider. It’s cool to have a short email name on a platform that’s used by millions (either ‘cool’ or ‘old’ — to those who know that if you’re able to get your choice of name on a popular platform, that means you are not young anymore), but the problem is every now and then, a handful of people who decide not to use their real email addresses conveniently use mine.

Photo by Alienware on Unsplash

It’s not a lot, but there are quite a number of people who have inconveniently (but conveniently, for them) used my e-mail address. Normally they’re just in-shop e-mail sign-ups, harmless newsletters. I just click unsubscribe or send it to spam, because these companies or websites don’t even ask the e-mail owner to verify before sending them a bunch of digital crap.


Anyway I was gonna sign up for a service that uses the Discord platform when it alerted me that someone else already is using my e-mail address.

E-mail address is already taken

Uh-oh. Someone has used my e-mail address to sign up for an account in Discord, and they’ve allowed that person to keep using their services even if that person isn’t the real owner of the e-mail address they entered.

Call me old-fashioned but that is just not right.

And so because of this, I won’t be using any services from any platform using Discord. Not that it matters haha. Just a matter of principle. And yes perhaps it is because I am getting old.

Discord update

So I contacted their support to let them know someone else has used my e-mail address in signing up for their service and that because it’s my e-mail, I had to reset the password and request to delete that account. I also mentioned that I never signed up for Discord nor verified an e-mail from Discord.

As expected, Discord’s customer service’s lame reply:

  • “It was verified on our system”
    (So either I have multiple personality disorder, in a different version of the multiverse where I verified the sign up, or they are simply lying)
  • “Don’t worry, your request to delete your account is being processed”
    (Hello, I already said it is not my account and someone else used my e-mail to sign up for it)

I thought Discord is a decent company incorporated and HQed in San Francisco but then they’re just like every crap internet company out there who doesn’t really care.



Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems

A full-time web geek passionate about web usability. Multiple web awards. “Creative does not have to be unintuitive, and user experience is relative.” -me