The unhelpful iOS iPhone App Store search results — one result at a time

Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems
1 min readOct 20, 2014

While I am a great fan of Apple products which I feel are still superior, I am not a fan of its user interface engineers who designed the iOS iPhone search results screen. I saw this and thought “what were they thinking???”.

Searching for apps in the App Store has never been so painful after one of the iOS upgrades. One needs to swipe many many times to look at many search results. This is where to look at 100 results, you need to swipe 100 times. Absolutely insane.

To browse photo apps, one needs to swipe more than a hundred times, or revert to Google and find that specific app before searching the app store because it is extremely unhelpful unless you really know the specific app you are searching for.

#AppleFail. Seeing app search results have never been quite tiring, until now.



Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems

A full-time web geek passionate about web usability. Multiple web awards. “Creative does not have to be unintuitive, and user experience is relative.” -me