Poor language switching utility: MySpace

Where do I change the language please?


MySpace has just become one of the most unhelpful sites in the history of expatriates accessing it from Hong Kong, China, or Taiwan. It’s an exagerration, of course, and I sound bitter but please understand my frustration. (No, I am not an avid user of MySpace. I just wanted to log-in to clean a profile I created many years ago)

MySpace’s homepage, loaded from Hong Kong

It will take a non-Chinese literate user to a page full of unhelpful Chinese characters (well with the exception of English-titled songs and names), and will take hours to figure out how to change the site’s language settings.

Polite internet web design, where art thou?



Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems

A full-time web geek passionate about web usability. Multiple web awards. “Creative does not have to be unintuitive, and user experience is relative.” -me