The Urgent Case for a Philosophy of Life

Life is short. Don’t live with regrets. Learn how to live well.

Braden Moore
More Remarkable


Life is short. Live it well. Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

“The really important thing is not to live, but to live well.”

— Socrates

What does it mean to live well? Millennia after Socrates taught that the most important thing was “to live well”, people are still searching for meaning. But most of us spend our time in pursuit of the wrong things.

We seek pleasures which quickly fade, we worry about things we cannot change, we live for tomorrow without appreciating today.

What does it mean to live well?

How can you live the good life?

Without answers to these questions, we are in danger of misliving the only life we have. But where can we find these answers? Living is a skill to be taught. The way to learn it is through a philosophy of life.

A philosophy of life is your guide to living well. It provides the principles by which you choose how to live your life. It directs you on the path to a good life, and teaches you how to get there.

Do you want to live a good life? The solution is a philosophy of life. Here’s what it is, why you need it, and where to find one.



Braden Moore
More Remarkable

Coach for engineering leaders in high-growth tech. I help leaders navigate change, build strong cultures, and empower their teams.