Having trouble sleeping?

Courtney Travis
More than Donuts
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2017

Have you been noticing lately that you are having trouble falling asleep at night and when you finally do you aren’t feeling well rested? This might be linked to looking at your phone or i-pad screen for too long before bed. Have you been doing that? You probably have even it you don’t admit it. The statistics show that 95% of people are on or using their phone in some way before bed. But what is wrong with that you might ask? Researches have been studying the side effects of smart phone usage before bed and according Business Insider “Studies have shown that being exposed to the blue-and-white light given off by phones, laptops, and other electronic gadgets at night prevents our brains from releasing melatonin, a hormone that tells our bodies it’s nighttime”. I know that this is a habit for most of us but it is a habit that is able to be broken. But how, and why would you want to break that habit anyway? It’s simple, if you feel fatigued all the time and you want that to stop try reducing or even eliminating your phone usage before bed. If you must read before bed, try reading an old fashioned book instead. It might do you some good.

