Social Media and Depression

Taylor King
More than Donuts
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2017

Depression is everywhere in this world. Studies have shown that between 10 to 15 percent of teens have suffered from depression symptoms at one time. Studies have also shown that that the more time people use social media, the more likely they are to be depressed. Social media, in a way, takes away from the whole “face-to-face” interaction between people. And in todays society, if you aren’t connected to social media, people often find it strange or even different.

Social media can almost be kind of a distraction for some people. If you think about it, whenever someone is sad, they look for something to help them not think about whatever is bothering them. That’s where social media comes into play. It’s like a different world. One where you don’t have to interact with people in person, and one where you can be whoever you want without any judgement because you’re behind a screen.

The connection between depression and social media can also be caused from the cyber-bullying found on different social media sites. Social media sites are a key place for bullying to happen. People can harass you, call you out, or even make subtweets that aren’t directly towards you but meaning it about you. Thus, leading to feelings of depression.

