Social Media and Education

Tori Schmitt
More than Donuts
Published in
1 min readApr 11, 2017

One topic recently touched upon in class was how social media is incorporated throughout the classroom. Teachers all around the world are trying to find new resources through social media to include into their everyday class plans. By doing this, it allows both the teachers and the students to interact in a new way. This is sometimes viewed negatively, but I think by using social media in the classroom it allows a different view on certain things.

One of the most popular social media interactions in the classroom nowadays seems to be using a Twitter hashtag. A teacher simply creates a class hashtag, and the students tweet to it throughout the class. You are able to view every hashtag and see what every student has to say! Another popular one is Pinterest. This allows students to view/create pin boards based on the current unit of study and then anaylze them. Another popular one is Skype. This website can be used to meet people in classrooms all over the world, and learn how they do school. Pretty cool!

Overall, I think social media has impacted the classrooms in a positive way, and still continues to do so. Teachers are also starting to get very creative with different ways to use it, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

