Social Media and Relationships

Alex Spalding
More than Donuts
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2017

With social media becoming so prevalent in our lives, it has begun to intrude all aspects of our lives, even our personal relationships. Nowadays, the first thing people in a new relationship do is make it “Facebook official.” The new couple often posts photos of each other on their Instagram, uploads stories of their dates on Snapchat, etc. Relationships are not private anymore as social media is constantly pushing us to publicize our every waking moment, this includes the moments in our relationship.

Obviously, it is not all bad as it often allows your friends and family to see how your new relationship is going and what fun things you and your significant other are doing together. However, a lot of couples in our generation face pressure to compare their relationship to the relationships they see on social media. For example, you start scrolling through your Instagram feed and come across one of those over-edited, “candid” photos of a couple that doesn’t even look like real-life. After this, you start to wonder why your own relationship doesn’t look like this.

These photographs of couples that you probably don’t even know can often fuel insecurities in your own relationship that shouldn’t exist because of an Instagram or any other social media post. It is important to not let others’ seemingly perfect relationships stop you from realizing how great your own is. You really have no idea what another couple could be going through, despite their how amazing and romantic their photo might be. An Instagram photo, Snapchat story, or Facebook status does not determine the quality of your relationship.

