Social Media Goes to School

Brianne Priest
More than Donuts
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2017

In class we discussed the issue of whether social media should be allowed in the classroom and what are the positive and negative effects. Personally, I believe that social media could be a great asset to the classroom in many ways. Social media is becoming a huge topic in today’s society so shouldn’t we be giving kids an early start?

The use of social media in the classroom may encourage more participation among students. Being able to express your emotions and feelings through social media can be an outlet for students who are to shy to do it in the classroom. Interaction between students may encourage these children to feel more comfortable and confident to participate in class.

Getting help with homework could also go down as one of the pros of using social media in the classroom. When a student needs help with an assignment they could post it to the site and ask other students to help them out. This goes for students who may have also missed a day of school. Posting homework assignments on the site may increase the chances of students doing the work.

Keeping parents updated is also an extremely important impact of social media in the classroom. Instead of getting dry answers from your kids about what their day consisted of at school, you can see it on social media. Teachers can post about events, homework, class activities and even share photos of their students so that parents can know exactly what is going on. This allows students to also be able to contact teachers when needed instead of calling and leaving messages. Being able to communicate easily and fast is probably very important to parents.

All of these opinions could also be looked at in a negative light. Parents knowing too much information about what is going on in the classroom could leave to issues. Allowing students to post homework online can lead to cheating and children not doing their work. Social media in the classroom could also open up new outlets for students to bully others but overall I believe that it can be a good change for the education system. Social media is most likely being used by students in the classroom anyways.. Why not make it fun and educational?

