Stress Relief with Social Media

Loren Spalding
More than Donuts
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2017

Many people think that all social media is flooded with politics, deaths, kidnappings, riots, etc. However, there are many times where social media is filled with hilarious videos, memes, photos, dog videos, etc. There have been many accounts created on both Twitter and Instagram that strictly post these videos or photos. More and more users have been sharing these accounts which in return provide comedic or stress relief if you’re having a bad day or feeling overloaded with pressure.

For me, it’s possible to get completely distracted with social media during any time of the day. Whether its a good day or a bad day I always find myself on social media looking for things to make me laugh and share with either my friends or family. There is so much talent and interesting videos or photos that are online everywhere. I find that the videos that are less popular are more funny because you’re not seeing them everywhere and being used up until its no longer funny.

Social media is also a stress reliever at times because one of the most popular items to post is pictures or videos of animals. When I’m studying for an exam or doing homework and feel overloaded with stress, I go to Twitter or Instagram and it never fails that there are cute dogs crawling all over my timelines and for that moment I just focus on the little puppies and it ends up taking all the stress that I felt for that minute, away.

Politics, violence, racism are not the only things that are talked about on all these different social networking sites. There are a multitude of accounts that take away all the bad stuff and it’s easier to pay attention to your timeline and enjoy your time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

