Bio Nutri Lift -a quick way to look younger

Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan
3 min readMay 29, 2018


The Bio Nutri Lift is trending big time in one particular place- Athens- the new Mecca for non invasive anti-aging treatments. This is a unique rejuvenation procedure which gives a lifting effect as well as a deep long-lasting hydration to the skin. The skin’s quality and texture are two very important factors to consider when embarking on a holistic anti-aging treatment plan. Filling wrinkles and correcting volume of sagging skin is not good enough: women now a days are looking for a healthy radiant look, and when it comes to drooping lines , they want it plump and firm again.

To achieve these results the specialists here at Dr. Boukouvalas Plastic surgery group are using a protocol of few combined Non- invasive treatments.

During the treatment, the patient is injected with a filler, a cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel to smooth superficial wrinkles and gives an immediate lifting effect.

Nctf 135HA, a highly complementary solution is also used to revitalize the collagen and the fibers of the skin. It contains 53 ingredients which help to reboot connective cells activity, and ultimately slows down ageing . These two products give best results when used together during the same session for optimal results- It is called “BIO NUTRI LIFT”protocol.

“we are using the retrograde injection for a lifting effect and to initiate dermal rejuvenation and then I inject the solution for an immediate plumping and overall smoothing effect” says Dr. Boukouvalas the director of Aesthetic Plastic surgery at the Metropolitan Hospital in Athens. Marionette lines above the corner of the jaw, and Nasolabial folds are also being injected to boost hydration of aging skin”.

The injection are done in various entry points in the face using a cannula, one in each half of the face. When using the retro-facing injection technique, vectors of force give a lifting effect as well as initiating dermal

Healing the skin with injection

The innovative thing about this protocol is that, not only does it activate
the dermal rejuvenation process, but it also supports this process by providing essential nutrients which have a long-term effect on anti-aging.

How long is the procedure?

Two sessions, spaced 3 months apart, are required for optimum results. The
results obtained are very natural-looking: the skin texture and quality are visibly improved without any added volume, the complexion is more even, and the skin is more radiant and firm!

Leora Acoca Goldberg -share it with your friends if you like it :)



Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan

Former Miss Israel, Vegan nutritionist, BSc. Harvard Journalism graduate school. Anti-aging &Aesthetics Expert. blogger