Its Never lonely at the top

Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan
1 min readAug 10, 2018

Cosmic messages

Just take a deep breath allowing the space for new acquaintances and experiences to come to you. You see it is a place of unfamiliarity and it is all new to you.

You are not the first person visiting this place, there are others just like you who have traveled similar roads to get to that same spot where you are standing today.

You will recognize them simply because they too,speak that same language you do. Theirs vibrations will meet yours in unexpected ways and places, all you have to do is be in the state of allowance-where possibilities cross your path in shocking accuracy, some times on a daily basis and at times unexpectedly.

Flow like a river who is true to the law of gravity, unstoppable, focused in one direction and powerful with its devine honesty.

You are loved -remember that.



Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan

Former Miss Israel, Vegan nutritionist, BSc. Harvard Journalism graduate school. Anti-aging &Aesthetics Expert. blogger