Spirulina shake recipe and health benefits

The green spirulina vegan shake benefits the body and mind on so many levels that it has become a central food in many kitchens.

Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan
3 min readJul 3, 2018


Greens — a powerhouse you don’t want to miss

The green spirulina shakes contain 50% green leafy vegetables and 50% juicy fruits as well as water. Superfood such as Spirulina is added to the green shake to provide concentrated nutrition that helps boost metabolism and the bank of Antioxidants and vegan protein in the body.

Creating A healthy PH balance

The Green shake is an excellent way to balance your Ph -most people’s Ph is over acidic because of the modern western diet - Caffeine, alcohol, animal protein, fried foods, white flour, baked products, and sugar are all acidic, and when we consume them on a regular basis, our body reacts by becoming instantly more acidic. In other words, we are losing the optimal Ph balance of 7.34–7.45 and the state of well being.

Homeostasis is coming to the rescue

To overcome the condition, the kidneys are summoned in. They are removing these acidic residues by borrowing essential minerals from our storage, or bones and then making you urinate more often. This action is the body’s attempt to dump the excess toxins from the system. the constant balancing act in the body is also called homeostasis.

Stress is also very acidic to our body, it affects our feelings and ultimately creates a negative chemical reaction in the body. If you have not read yet my previous article on Ph let me sum it up in 2 sentences

Our body functions at its best when Ph is at the range of 7.34–45, slightly alkaline. the Ph fluctuates throughout the day, week, month, etc. — reacting to the kind of day we have had. Research indicates that Acidic Ph is responsible for most ranges of diseases, from simple headaches to cancer and obesity.

In the Kitchen — Shake Preparation

· Kale 1-2 leaves without the stem

· Cilantro- a handful

· Spirulina powder (1/4 spoon)

· 2 green apples cut into cubes with the skin

· 3 limes including the white skins

· 1 cucumber

· ½ glass of water

· ½ glass of fresh orange juice or fresh grapefruit juice

Place all the ingredients in a blender. Add a little bit of water at first and start blending. You may need to stop a few times the blender and mix all the ingredients, using a wooden spoon. Add gradually more water, juice, and ice until you get a smooth shake. This shake is best when fresh, however, you can keep it refrigerated for a few hours.

How often?

You may drink ONE large glass for breakfast, with 10 almonds (best to presoak the almonds in water for 2-4 hours, it helps digest the fat and protein better). You can substitute lunch with another glass of this shake. It is rich in protein and has all the amino acids that your body needs for proper metabolism.

Benefits of Spirulina

ü Rich in minerals and protein therefore great for your skin, hair, and nails

ü Boost energy, endurance, and muscles performance, so it is good before exercising

ü Detox heavy toxins and metal from the body

ü Lower blood pressure

ü Lower insulin and glucose levels in the blood

ü Lower cholesterol and serum triglycerides (the bad fat)

ü alleviate sinus and allergy problems

ü reduce cravings for sugar and fast foods

ü, Do not drink coffee when drinking spirulina at least 1 hour before or after.

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Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan

Former Miss Israel, Vegan nutritionist, BSc. Harvard Journalism graduate school. Anti-aging &Aesthetics Expert. blogger www.leorashop.com