The Macrobiotic diet -a guide for cancer patients, and for those who are seeking great healthy lives

Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan
9 min readMay 6, 2018

Macrobiotic means great life -when Michio Kushi named this Diet originally from Japan, he probably thought about the opportunities available to us once we regain our health. This diet is based on Organic, Natural and unprocessed food as well as the principal of balance which I’ll introduce in the next chapters.

The diet is designed with guidelines rooted in the ancient Japanese’s tradition and is aligned to fit the human’s physiology. The idea that we are all connected to the universe including its trees, Climate, Air, Water and Soil have been revolutionary concept back in the early 70’s when Kushi migrated to the US, spreading his teaching to cancer patient.

Over the next 40 years as cancer became an epidemic more testimonials and research came to the public awareness, tiding up nutrition and environment to the formation of sickness.

The food industry revolution started in the early 20 century right after the second world war. During this time food processing techniques were largely introduced to the industry making artificial coloring, preservatives and chemicals part of most of packaged foods. The rise of large supermarkets and refined foods with longer shelves life became widely accepted by the public — no one could imagine back then what will be the long term effect on our health.

Kushi ‘s voice grew stronger over the years as more popular vegetarians, and Raw Vegan diets became mainstream — This awareness grew larger with the use of information sharing through the internet, making a stream of scientific publications from top universities available to the public.

Surely enough, they all pointed out to the link between processed foods and illness.

Re-educating ourselves to eat in alignment with our bodies natural needs creates health, abundance and happiness -when you feel good you are happy for no reason.

Balanced Natural Diet

This picture below expresses the idea-That the food we put on our plat is not random, but is guided by certain rules that makes it optimal for our health. diet should consist of natural foods rich in fiber, antioxidants, minerals, Enzymes with very little sugar.

The macrobiotic diet is Mostly Vegan with only 5–10% cold water fish such as Salmon.

and the rest consist of 40–50 % whole grains and vegetables -these are mostly dark green leafy : kale, collard greens , Broccoli, leeks, Parsley etc.

Orange color vegetables such as Yum, sweet potatoes, carrots and Squash are added to support the spleen and Pancreas, the sweet vegetables taste helps reduce the cravings for refined sugars.

traditional Macrobiotic plate

Another 5% are the seaweeds- these sea vegetables are rich in minerals and iodin , an important substance for immune function and metabolism. among the seaweeds you will find Hiziki, Arame, Kombu which are part of the daily macrobiotic diet. Seaweeds can be consumed in the form of salads, soup or saute vegetables

Greens -the powerful chlorophyll that binds to Oxygen.

Greens Ph alkaline- attracts Oxygen to the cells

Greens are the power of life, the chlorophyle that gives this green color is similar in its structure to the hemoglobin in our blood and therefore makes it easy for the Oxygen to binds and enter the cells. The greens are rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin fibers and are alkaline forming — a great counterbalance for an acidic body. Because of their high magnesium content and low glycemic index, green leafy vegetables are great for those who needs to reduce sugar intake- such as cancer patients. also valuable for persons with type 2 diabetes. The high level of vitamin K in greens makes them important for the production of osteocalcin, a protein essential for bone health.

Green vegetables are also a major source of iron and calcium with an exception to spinach which is not recommended on a macrobiotic diet because of its high content of oxalic acid. Green leafy vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which can also be converted into vitamin A, and also improve immune function.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in dark-green leafy vegetables, play a protective role in the eye. They protect against both cataract and age-related macular degeneration, the major cause of blindness in the elderly. Some studies suggest that Green veggies contain a variety of carotenoids, flavonoids and other powerful antioxidants that have cancer-protective properties. Broccoli, Cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts are rich in indoles and isothiocyanates, which protect us against colon and other cancers.

Miso soup plays an important role in this diet

The fermented soybeans are rich in enzymes, probiotics and are easily digestible protein which help boost the immune system and of course improves digestion and assimilation of the foods we eat.

Traditional Japanese drink the Miso soup early in the morning which has a soothing effect on the stomach. the live enzymes and protein help digestion and give the sense of satiety.

The Miso soup broth is typically made of root vegetables such as Daikon, carrots and leeks together with kOMBU. the MISO paste is added only after the broth is ready in order to keep the enzyme alive, cooking them in a temperature above 40 degrees will destroy them.

Beans- the beans combined with brown rice provide a complet protein.

the rule is to use 2/3 rice and only 1/3 beans. The beans are soaked in water for overnight with a piece of seaweed called Kombu — no worries you will get used to these Japanese names. Kombu helps predigest the Beans which are usually very difficult to assimilate otherwise. I recommend starting with red small beans, Pinto beans and black eyed beans.

Fermented vegetables,

Kimchi style — are key foods for GI health. -these fermented foods provide our bodies with enzymes and probiotics making the immune system stronger while providing us protection for a variety of disease. sauerkraut Ph is alkaline, it is recommended to have 2 tbs each meal — you will love the taste and how it makes you feel. the preparation instruction is provided at the bottom of this article.

Sweets - are restricted to small amounts.

Refined sugar is eliminated from the diet, just like any other food that have been processed in any way or shape (white flour, table salt, white rice etc). It is best to eat fruits low in sugar such as Apples and pears. Avoid fruits that are not locally grown. Limit the amount of fruits to one or two.

Few words about Soy products — Most Soy product are GMO as such are not recommended.

The only Soy product recommended are those who have been fermented : Miso, Soy sauce, Tempe. The fermentation process helps produce enzymes and probiotics organism and is excellent for digestion and immune system.

The “Good” guys — femented soy products “ Tempe”

Say No to GMO foods

remove from your diet genetically modified organism and in short “GMO” foods -this includes- Wheat, Soy and Corn products-Most of these seeds and grains have been modified, and they are poisonous to our body.

How to start the Macrobiotic journey ?

The best strategy when starting the Macro diet is to structure a plan as such ;

  1. Elimination- of harmful foods and addition of few well known protocols
  2. Consume only Natural Organic foods avoid processed foods
  3. Eat according the the season, climate and consume only seasonal fruits and vegetables (this means you do not buy tropical fruits in the winter for example, or any other produce that are not grown locally .
  4. Avoid alcohol, caffein limit, drink alkalining beverages such as Kukicha tea, apple cider vinegar tea, herbal teas.
  5. Use utensile that are made of iron cast, no teflon or aluminium
  6. Chew your food at least 50 times
  7. Eat in a relax enviroment
  8. Be aware of your thoughts -listen to Abraham hicks tape- you are your vibration -you r life reflects your preceptions, thoughts feeleings
  9. Meditate, breath, exercise.

The Harmful foods for elimination

Harmful foods for elimination

Sugar/honey/processed foods, preservatives, food coloring, all kind of oils that are processed -I use only olive oil, Hamp oil, Flaxseed oil, Coconut oil, and occasionally seasame oil. All oils that are heated over 40c degrees become rancid, except coconut oil, and to some extend olive oil.

My suggestion is to minimize the use of saute or cooked vegetables and instead use whenever possible steamed vegetables and raw salads

Dairy are eliminated from the Macrobiotic diet — they cause mucus in the system and come with an array of harmful substances that are injected to the cows and all the way down the food chain way before the milk is being produced and ready for consumer use.

Good fats /bad fats

-My favorite oils are Hemp oil and Flax seed oil both are rich in Omega 3 -an essential unsaturated fat that can only be obtain from our diet ; interestingly enough Dr. Joanna Budwig a biochemist nominated 7 times for Nobles price found out that this fat is missing in cancer patients, and by providing them the potent mixture of cottage and omega 3 together with dietary change she was able to reverse the cancer in a significant amount of patients.

Dr. Budwig discovered that when she combined flax seed oil, with its powerful healing nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats, and cottage cheese, which is rich in sulfur protein, the chemical reaction produced makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membrane.

One thing to understand, and this is critical, is that the purpose of the Budwig Diet is to convert oil-soluble omega-3 fatty acids into water-soluble omega-3 fatty acids. when eating the Cottage -Flax seeds oil mixture twice a day , the cells are able to get the oxygen through its membranes, and when this happens -the entire Ph changes from Acidic to Alkaline ;No cancer cell can survive an aerobic environment. (Dr. Otto Warburg)

Cooking methods and utensils

Cooking the brown rice and beans -in a pressure cooker : The piece of the seaweed Kombu will assist in pre-digestion of the Beans and helps boost your mineral reserves -once cooked the Kombu becomes Jello like and is extremely tasty on its own as well .

Kombu and beans in the Pressure cooker

How to prepare these 4 magical drinks and foods?

1.Apple cider drink -1 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar organic with warm water- I like to add fresh Ginger and lemon -great drink to help balance overly acidic body-drink twice a day for a week .

2.Buswig cottege flaxseed oil mix : for meo r

here you will get instructions for preparation of Cottege cheese and Flax seed oil:

3.Kukicha twigs tea -simply place 4 tbsp of kukicha twigs in 4 glasses of water boil lower the flam and continue to boil for another 10–15 minutes.

4. Fermented green cabbage-

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Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan

Former Miss Israel, Vegan nutritionist, BSc. Harvard Journalism graduate school. Anti-aging &Aesthetics Expert. blogger