You are more than what you eat

Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan
3 min readAug 11, 2018

Cosmic messages

Your health is not Just an outcome of what you eat or breath , it is an expression of what you feed yourself- both physically and spiritually.

Your thoughts are invisible, but yet superior and more powerful than what is manifested in the physical realm- what you call water, food, air and your body.

You have got to purify your thoughts and feelings if your are seeking well being and health. Your green smoothie, or any raw food diet will inhance what already exist in your vibrations. They will improve appearance, skin tone and your conditions, but don’t over estimate it’s power. Mind- set perceives matter, it is an universal law.

If you can learn how to combine both at the same time, although it may appears at first as if they contradict each other you will manifest well being.

Body -Mind connection

Once you think, feel and eat clean foods you will achieve the point of well being- it’s a mutable place that constantly changes , like two opposite forces completing each other yet constantly changing in relation to one another .

That is why staying mindful and present in the moment is an essential component for creating the balance in your health. Let me put it that way -your thought must be present to create a new reality, if you are re-living memories and experiences of the past -your life will not change.

I will further share with you that thoughts are affecting feelings -these emotions are affecting the chemistry of your body. They are so powerful that they have the ability to change your DNA expression.


Some call it meditation , in my own words it is the direct connection to your internal true self , and it is best done through your breathing. You can practice it everywhere, but you may chose, in the beginning at least to sit in a quiet place, where no distractions exist.

Breath every time you feel a conflict, stagnation. Blockage, or may be, in your own words the feeling of stress. Breath with the intention to focus within, to detach from the present circumstances that are surrounding you. Distractions comes in waves, floating to the conscious mind, but that is OK.

Acknowledge them, then continue to breath again,With time it will get better for you. Be present at the NOW- breathing is the best way to connect yourself to your internal life force.

Wait for your miracles they are on your way — Pray.



Leora Acoca Goldberg
More than just Vegan

Former Miss Israel, Vegan nutritionist, BSc. Harvard Journalism graduate school. Anti-aging &Aesthetics Expert. blogger