what i’ve learned in 2016

Randa Sakallah
2 min readDec 31, 2016


i wrote a version of this for myself as a list of sixteen things, but it feels predatory (yes, predatory) to make this a listicle. that’s not what i want. so here it goes, without edits.

the most top of mind things i’ve learned this year are things i’ve learned over the past few months. just these past couple weeks, i learned about a book called nonviolent communication, at the recommendation of a friend. nonviolent communication has taught me how to be more compassionate, more empathetic, and less judgmental. and it has given me actual language to use when handling conflict.

i’ve learned humility. i have been rejected by countless potential employers, usually without any explanation. some rejections (the ones in which i put considerable effort, or really really wanted) hurt significantly more than others. but they all taught me humility. i’ve gotten pretty much everything i’ve wanted in life, and now that’s a little less true. good lesson to learn at 22.

i’ve learned how to be a better cook of healthier foods. i eat far more vegetables than i did in 2015. i can say i enjoy eating kale without a hint of sarcasm. i follow a lot of food blogs on instagram. looking at pretty pictures of vegetables makes you want to eat them.

i’ve learned that television is not the devil that i thought it was. there is value in watching tv. many shows nowadays provide social commentary that actually teaches you stuff while it entertains. i liked broad city, atlanta, insecure, and transparent.

there is more but i’m going to think about the year ahead now. thanks for reading. onto a 2017 of mindfulness, intention, and empathy.



Randa Sakallah

University of Michigan CS grad. Formerly at Spotify, True Ventures. All life success attributed to playing Neopets.