The “Three R’s” need Rethinking.

Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2019


It’s time to evolve beyond Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.

As the dialogue around climate change and human impact heats up, it’s becoming pretty clear that our “throwaway culture” isn’t sustainable.

While the concept of recycling was viable decades ago, when the concept of “single use” seemed limited to newspapers and glass bottles, the system can no longer keep up with our consumption or manufacturing practices. Over the years, governments have implemented curb-side recycling programs and some are now passing legislation to ban single-use plastics, trying to tame the beast, if you will.

While any effort might seem to be better than none, the focus is generally on a narrow sliver of a larger problem. , #withSuperVision

We’re still all in this together.

Although many of the actions seem to land hard on the shoulders of the consumer, making true change is dependent on changes in policy and manufacturing practices to become reality.




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