
More Group — Business Incorporation Services & Company Registration

Throughout the year, More Group offers several young adults the opportunity to work in our offices. They gain experience across all departments with additional time spent in the area which most interests them. Learn about the experiences of the latest More Group Corporate Services & Accounts Intern:

Company Registration services — More Group

When I was told that I should seek out work experience for two weeks in the summer, I instantly knew where I wanted to apply. I knew that I wanted to find work experience in an accountancy firm and luckily, I had family working at More Group. I contacted the HR Department and they provided me with the opportunity to work in Head Office in London for two weeks.

Prior to arriving at the office, I imagined I’d be entering a work place full of stressed, overworked, wired accountants. Fortunately, it was quite the contrary, the office was full of energetic and sociable people. Everyone was really welcoming and had a positive attitude towards their work.

I spent the first week working with the Corporate Services Department where I assisted in completing a database audit. This entailed completing training with the Head of Corporate Services on More Group’s new internal system and learning about the importance of up to date and accurate client contact details.

Once trained and confident on the system, I began working with the team going through the database, organising client contact details, and deleting any duplicates. At first, I was a little concerned the repetitive task wouldn’t be very interesting however being in a team with a good sense of humour really helped.

I also supported with daily mail forwarding where I made sure all external post was date stamped and scanned onto a secure system. This included learning how to scan, fax, and email forward documents to multiple members of staff.

For the second week, I continued to support the Corporate Services Department but was also was given the opportunity to shadow some of the accountants. I gained an insight into what an accountant does from day to day, and now have a better understanding of the knowledge required to produce accurate work. Although I was unable to do much hands on work this time, it has improved my knowledge of basic accounting. I did a lot of watching and listening, learning about tax returns and triangulation.

Business Incorporation Services — More Group

I really enjoyed work experience at More Group, it was the complete opposite to what I was expecting it to be. The uplifting office atmosphere and positive attitude of everyone in the office encouraged me to continue working through even the most repetitive tasks.

I would like to make a special thanks to Niamh Landy (Head of Corporate Services) who really helped me develop my view of the accounting industry and worked hard to promote a positive working environment in the office. I don’t think I could have found a better place to complete my work experience.

