Omarosa Is A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Where can she the embattled politician go from here?


Though she was fired from her position in the White House more than a month ago, Omarosa Manigault still seems quite vocal about her time there. Doing what she knows best, her first stop was back to reality television, but this time with a “new perspective” on President Trump, warning everyone that they should be very afraid of what’s to come from the administration (but we knew that from the moment he got elected).

Essentially making herself the nations town crier, she is trying inform anyone that will lend an ear. However, at the same breath it seems that she’s trying to rebrand herself as more *socially* aware, when in fact she’s rebranding herself to be black again and wants the acceptance from the black community. Something that will not be happening this Black History Month or in the near future.

Keshia Knight Pulliam (left) and Omarosa Manigault (right).

Currently she’s a contestant on “Celebrity Big Brother” and the topic on everyone’s mind is why did she work for the White House? In the show Manigault is seen having an open dialogue with contestants about her short time working for the president. In one instance she is seen talking to Keshia Knight Pulliam and gets questioned for supporting Donald Trump. The former White House aide quickly shuts the conversation down by comparing Donald Trump to Bill Cosby. Eluding to the fact that Pulliam has also supported someone that has been controversial in recent years.

In another Instance, Manigault is seen having a conversation with Ross Matthews about her former job where she breaks into “tears.” When asked why she worked for this chaotic administration? She stated that “it was my call to duty…it was all about the country.” She also makes claims that she was attacked by everyone in the White House and was haunted by tweets every day. The more surprising talking point arose when Manigault stated that she wouldn’t vote for Trump ever in a million years.

On Monday’s episode she makes the claim that vice president Mike Pence is worse than president Donald Trump. Telling contestants that the nation would want Trump back if Pence ever became president. She also tells contestants that Pence believes that Jesus tells him to say certain things.

Though she has a lot to say about the current administration, last night’s episode she was seen complimenting first lady Melania. Calling her “sharp” and having “great taste” in decorating the White House. Now one might ask what exactly is her motive for telling people what is going on in the White House, but one can never assume the worse (or should we, in this case?).

Many may also be wondering what made her have a change in feelings towards Trump and his administration? One possibility is that she is trying to make people feel like she was tricked into working for the administration, which must be a fallacy, being that Trump assisted in her reality TV start-up. Another reason may be, the possibility is that she was ousted by the administration and that they didn’t want her anymore. Resulting in her pulling the race card to get black people to sympathize with her.

Unfortunately for her, this latest stunt has caused more people to laugh than sympathize with her. CNN news anchor Don Lemon laughed at remarks made by Symone Sanders when Manigault’s name was brought up.

“It’s Black History Month,” Sanders said of Omarosa, also suggesting that she is going on an “apology tour to salvage her reputation.” Angela Rye is another person that laughed at Manigault when she was initially fired back in December, telling the former aide “good riddance.”

However, in true Omarosa fashion it is only a matter of time until she is back supporting the Donald Trump circus as a consultant in his next “business” scam… oops venture.

Isaiah D. Johnson is a student a Morehouse college studying political science with a minor in journalism.

