How to reboot when things get hectic…

erica thorneburg
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2017
Thanks Pixabay

Modern life is going so fast sometimes I feel a bit like I’m in a wind chamber…hair-a-mess and lips flapping!

Once you are over the visual reference — and I hope you do chuckle a bit— let’s get down to it. When your life needs an update, a restart or a full reboot you’ll get a signal. Will you answer the call?

Signs you may need to Reboot

Courtesy of Pixabay

Your internet connectivity slows down, files get corrupted, or maybe a virus is detected. The first thing the IT guys tell you is to shut down and reboot.

Just like a computer will show signs and symptoms — your body, mind and spirit will let you know when its time to reset.

The Signals

  • Digestive issues, fatigue, headaches, aches & pains, inflammation…all good indicators you’re in high sympathetic mode(fight or flight).
  • Victim-like voice in your head…this thinking will result in the activation of sympathetic nervous system(fight or flight).
  • A “pity-party” uninterrupted, can develop into clinical depression and unemployment — or both. A sense of lack, no joy, no gratitude, feeling disconnected, loss of appetite or constant hunger, lack of passion or drive. Sounds a lot like depression, I know. Clinical depression requires a professional — what I am referring to here will not keep you from getting out of bed, dressing and going to work, but it will make you less productive and more difficult to work with. It is the stuff you are avoiding looking at while you pretend to be content — just going through the motions.

While I am being candid here, please, NEVER hesitate to get a professional opinion if you or a loved one shows signs of depression. Let a professional help you decide if it is clinical or not…not a blog post!

The List

This is a list of how I reboot when my life gets out of balance- mentally, physically and spiritually.

I take this time out to thank my many mentors, colleagues, family members, and so many writers here on Medium for knowingly and unknowingly inspiring me to write and share this list.

In my world, you are the expert on YOU and me the expert on me. Maybe my list will help shine a light on what your list looks like?

  1. BE PRESENT. This is a full reboot and I take time every day for this in some form. Slow down and smell the roses. No one can do this for you, but you. Try mindfulness exercises, breathing exercises, quiet time in nature, put down your phone and look into the eyes of your dinner partner and have a conversation minus the media. Take time to connect with self, others, nature, and the Universe. There is no technological substitute or equivalent.
  2. Hit Restart- Not if, but when you fall…get back up.Falling is how we learn, there are so many quotes on this, enough said.
  3. Reconfigure-Put on your game face. Be authentic AND know your audience. Learning how to hear and speak to multiple levels of listening is a tremendous skill to develop in life and can open doors for you and those around you. It is amazing what is possible when you really listen and connect with others in a way that makes room for everyone to participate.
  4. Update- Learn new skills and hone existing ones — personal and professional. If you are already good at something, become great at it. Your soul will thank you for it. Lifelong learning is key to a well-lived life. The sense of accomplishment, the feeling of being more useful and marketable — priceless.
  5. New software- rewire your brain, your inner dialog. Even though my victim voice can still tell me from time to time I’m so far behind I might not ever catch up, SO WHAT! Go for your dreams…one step at a time…just keep moving forward a little at a time.
  6. Anti-virus- figure out what to say ‘no’ to. Identify and respect your boundaries. Every day life simply boils down to what our yes’s and no’s consist of. Saying yes when your authentic self really wants to say no is not doing anyone any favors — especially you. Find your own way to say ‘no’… firm but kind, sugar coated, or straight and to the point.

No one ever said I had to make myself crazy or sick to achieve my goals. It is normal for life to ebb and flow in and out of balance. Relationships, jobs, passions, and dreams come and go. I am the constant in my life. I am the responsible party.

These are my faithful, tried and true methods for restoring balance and releasing my creative, happy, joyful energies into the world so I can enjoy being on the planet. It is also what I do so the rest of the planet gets to enjoy me being here!

I encourage anyone who actually read this far to create their own list.

In the age of distraction, nothing feels more luxurious than paying attention — Pico Iyer, The Art of Stillness



erica thorneburg

Seeker, explorer of life giving experiences. Body Therapy, Ergonomics and Wellness. LMBT 00183, CEAS I